Reframing Reformulation: A Theoretical-Experimental Approach: Evidence from the Spanish Discourse Marker „o sea“
Reformulation studies offer a recent debate on reformulation and its semasiological-onomasiological treatment. Some researchers argue for a clear distinction between reformulation and other functions such as conclusion or correction; others defend the existence of different subtypes of reformulation based on such other functions, which are expressed by the same group of discourse markers in different languages. Both approaches are valid although their arguments and theoretical basis are opposed. The book presents an Eye-Tracking proposal to complement this debate experimentally. Results support an onomasiological approach to reformulation since experimental boundaries for each function (paraphrase, reformulation, conclusion and correction) have been detected.
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Unidentified narrative objects and the new Italian epic
The 21st century has seen a surge of popularity in texts that cross the borders between styles, genres and media, between real-life events and imagined ones, so that these texts are difficult to categorise or sometimes to distinguish as fiction or nonfiction. They might be called ‘unidentified narrative objects’, a term coined by the Italian writer Wu Ming 1 when discussing Italian literature after 2000 in his Memorandum on the New Italian Epic, whose writers have a common belief in the power of literature to effect change in society by depicting and re-assessing the past and present. Through analysing a number of recent Italian unidentified narrative objects, this study explores the potential of this experimental approach to the novel form.
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