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Kennen Sie schon … das Anglophone Literary Studies Blog?

Screenshot des Headers des Anglophone Literary Studies Blog (https://blogs.phil.hhu.de/anglophoneliteratures/)

Das Blog wurde im Som­mer 2021 am Insti­tut Anglis­tik V – Anglo­phone Lit­er­a­turen / Lit­er­aturüber­set­zen der Uni Düs­sel­dorf ini­ti­iert.

Ini­tial­ly, the blog began as an out­let for the teach­ing and research project “Chart­ing the Aus­tralian Fan­tas­tic” and its blog “Spec­u­la­tive Aus­tralia”. Thus, “Spec­u­la­tive Aus­tralia” is cur­rent­ly the most active cat­e­go­ry as it is used by pre­vi­ous, cur­rent, and future stu­dents of cours­es cen­tring on Aus­tralian spec­u­la­tive fic­tion at the HHU, espe­cial­ly those who take part in the Prax­is­mod­ul ver­sion of the class, which has so far been offered in the sum­mer term 2020 as well as the win­ter term 2020/2021 and will be offered again in the win­ter term 2021/2022.

We do hope that the blog will also encour­age oth­er lec­tur­ers to use this out­let in order to help stu­dents engage more active­ly with the lit­er­a­ture they are study­ing as well as engage with a wider pub­lic – the read­er­ship of this web­site. Cur­rent­ly, posts that go beyond the ini­tial sub­ject of Aus­tralian spec­u­la­tive fic­tion will be pub­lished under the cat­e­go­ry “Fur­ther Cours­es and Top­ics” as well as more spe­cif­ic sub­cat­e­gories but we are very hap­py to add oth­er main cat­e­gories as long as they fall broad­ly with­in the fields of study cov­ered by the HHU Eng­lish and Amer­i­can Stud­ies Depart­ment.

The post­ing of actu­al con­tent will like­ly begin in the sum­mer term 2021 and pick up the pace in the win­ter term 2021 once the Prax­is­mod­ul Chart­ing the Aus­tralian Fan­tas­tic is run­ning once more.

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