

Podcasts zur Sprachwissenschaft 2

Sie hören gerne Pod­casts, und Sie inter­essieren sich für Sprach(wiss)en(schaft)?
Vielle­icht ist bei diesen Ange­boten etwas für Sie dabei:

Field Notes: A pod­cast about lin­guis­tic field­work
Field Notes is a pod­cast about lin­guis­tic field­work. Field Notes aims to share the sto­ries of lin­guists doing field­work to doc­u­ment, describe, and under­stand how lan­guages (par­tic­u­lar­ly under-described and under-doc­u­ment­ed lan­guages) work!
auf Twit­ter: @lingfieldnotes

Trou­ble­some Terps: The pod­cast about things that keep inter­preters up at night
Trou­ble­some Terps is a round­table-style pod­cast cov­er­ing top­ics from the inter­pret­ing space and the wider world of lan­guages. The hosts — Jonathan Down­ie, Alexan­der Drech­sel, Alexan­der Gans­meier, and Sarah Hick­ey — dis­cuss them amongst them­selves or with high-pro­file guests from the indus­try.
auf Twit­ter: @troubleterps

Sci­ence Dic­tion
What does the word meme have to do with evo­lu­tion­ary biol­o­gy? And why was the word vac­cine named after cows? From the peo­ple who make Sci­ence Fri­day, we bring you Sci­ence Dic­tion, a pod­cast about words—and the sci­ence sto­ries with­in them. Host­ed by Johan­na May­er, each episode of Sci­ence Dic­tion takes a word or phrase, and with the help of his­to­ri­ans, authors, ety­mol­o­gists, and sci­en­tists, serves up lan­guage with a side of sci­ence.

… und noch mehr Pod­cast-Empfehlun­gen find­en Sie in im Blog „[di.t̩͡]“!

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