

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Literaturen allgemein 2021.11

The con­cise ency­clo­pe­dia of applied lin­guis­tics
BuchcoverApplied lin­guis­tics is an inter­dis­ci­pli­nary field that iden­ti­fies, exam­ines, and seeks solu­tions to real-life lan­guage-relat­ed issues. Such issues often occur in sit­u­a­tions of lan­guage con­tact and tech­no­log­i­cal inno­va­tion, where lan­guage prob­lems can range from explain­ing mis­un­der­stand­ings in face-to-face oral con­ver­sa­tion to design­ing auto­mat­ed speech recog­ni­tion sys­tems for busi­ness. The Con­cise Ency­clo­pe­dia of Applied Lin­guis­tics includes entries on the fun­da­men­tals of the dis­ci­pline, intro­duc­ing read­ers to the con­cepts, research, and meth­ods used by applied lin­guists work­ing in the field. This suc­cinct, read­er-friend­ly vol­ume offers a col­lec­tion of entries on a range of lan­guage prob­lems and the ana­lyt­ic approach­es used to address them.

This abridged ref­er­ence work has been com­piled from the most-accessed entries from The Ency­clo­pe­dia of Applied Lin­guis­tics ( more exten­sive vol­ume which is avail­able in print and dig­i­tal for­mat in 1000 libraries span­ning 50 coun­tries world­wide. Alpha­bet­i­cal­ly-orga­nized and updat­ed entries help read­ers gain an under­stand­ing of the essen­tials of the field with entries on top­ics such as mul­ti­lin­gual­ism, lan­guage pol­i­cy and plan­ning, lan­guage assess­ment and test­ing, trans­la­tion and inter­pret­ing, and many oth­ers.

Acces­si­ble for read­ers who are new to applied lin­guis­tics, The Con­cise Ency­clo­pe­dia of Applied Lin­guis­tics:

  • Includes entries writ­ten by experts in a broad range of areas with­in applied lin­guis­tics
  • Explains the the­o­ry and research approach­es used in the field for analy­sis of lan­guage, lan­guage use, and con­texts of lan­guage use
  • Demon­strates the con­nec­tions among the­o­ry, research, and prac­tice in the study of lan­guage issues
  • Pro­vides a per­fect start­ing point for pur­su­ing essen­tial top­ics in applied lin­guis­tics

Designed to offer read­ers an intro­duc­tion to the range of top­ics and approach­es with­in the field, The Con­cise Ency­clo­pe­dia of Applied Lin­guis­tics is ide­al for new stu­dents of applied lin­guis­tics and for researchers in the field.

zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

Krise(n) der Mod­erne: Über Lit­er­atur und Zeit­di­ag­nos­tik
BuchcoverIst die Krise ein kon­sti­tu­tives Phänomen der Mod­erne? Die Beiträge dieses Ban­des, die auf eine inter­diszi­plinäre Vor­tragsrei­he der Neuphilol­o­gis­chen Fakultät der Uni­ver­sität Hei­del­berg zurück­ge­hen, wid­men sich dieser Frage anhand von lit­er­arischen Tex­ten des 19., 20. und 21. Jahrhun­derts.
Im Dia­log zwis­chen der Lit­er­atur­wis­senschaft und benach­barten kultur‑, sozial- und geschichtswis­senschaftlichen Diszi­plinen zeich­nen sie nach, wie ökonomis­che, poli­tis­che und kul­turelle Mod­ernisierungss­chübe als kollek­tive Krisen­er­fahrung in Werken der Weltlit­er­atur ihren ästhetis­chen Aus­druck find­en. Sie beleucht­en Aspek­te, in denen Lit­er­atur sozial­wis­senschaftlichen Meth­o­d­en in der Beschrei­bung der Krise(n) der Mod­erne über­legen sein kann.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

Weit­ere Titel kön­nen Sie in unseren Neuer­wer­bungslis­ten für die Sprach- und Lit­er­atur­wis­senschaften all­ge­mein ent­deck­en!

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