

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Nordische Philologie 2021.11

The his­to­ry of the rein­forced demon­stra­tive in Nordic: Region­al vari­a­tion and recon­struc­tion
BuchcoverThe task of recon­struct­ing the rein­forced demon­stra­tive par­a­digm for ear­ly Nordic has been called “impos­si­ble” by the emi­nent Einar Hau­gen. In The His­to­ry of the Rein­forced Demon­stra­tive in Nordic, Eric T. Lan­der aims to accom­plish exact­ly this, by way of an exhaus­tive study of the pronoun’s attes­ta­tions in the Viking Age runic inscrip­tions, which are the ear­li­est forms of this item to be record­ed in Scan­di­navia. The detailed pic­ture of region­al vari­a­tion that emerges is then used to inform recon­struc­tions of the par­a­digm from Pro­to-Nordic to Com­mon Nordic. The book rep­re­sents the first seri­ous attempt in his­tor­i­cal-com­par­a­tive lin­guis­tics to grap­ple with the mor­pho­log­i­cal devel­op­ment of the North-West Ger­man­ic rein­forced demon­stra­tive since the work of 19th-cen­tu­ry schol­ars like Sophus Bugge.
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Bar­bar­ians in the Sagas of Ice­landers: home­grown stereo­types and for­eign influ­ences
BuchcoverThis book explores accounts in the Sagas of Ice­landers of encoun­ters with for­eign peo­ples, both abroad and in Ice­land, who are por­trayed accord­ing to stereo­types which vary depend­ing on their ori­gins. Notably, inhab­i­tants of the places iden­ti­fied in the sagas as ÍrlandSkot­land and Vín­land are por­trayed as being less civ­i­lized than the Ice­landers them­selves. This book explores the ways in which the Íslendin­gasögur empha­size this rel­a­tive bar­bar­i­ty through descrip­tions of diet, mate­r­i­al cul­ture, style of war­fare and char­ac­ter. These char­ac­ter­is­tics are dis­cussed in rela­tion to par­al­lel descrip­tions of Ice­landic char­ac­ters and lifestyle with­in the Íslendin­gasögur, and also in the con­text of a tra­di­tion in con­tem­po­rary Euro­pean lit­er­a­ture, which por­trayed the Ice­landers them­selves as bar­bar­ic. Com­par­isons are made with descrip­tions of bar­bar­ians in clas­si­cal Roman texts, pri­mar­i­ly Sal­lust, but also Cae­sar and Tac­i­tus, show­ing strik­ing sim­i­lar­i­ties between Roman and Ice­landic ideas about bar­bar­ians.
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