The Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study is an academic association representing scholars, institutions, and individuals across the globe who are interested in the history, language, and cultures of the Nordic region: Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Greenland, Sápmi, and The Faroe Islands.
Founded in 1911, the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study has as its objectives:
The promotion of Scandinavian study and instruction in America;
The encouragement of original research in this country in the fields of Scandinavian languages, literatures, history, culture, and society and the publication of the results of such research in the quarterly journal Scandinavian Studies;
The fostering of closer relations between persons interested in Scandinavian studies in North America and elsewhere.
Die Gesellschaft ist auch auf Facebook, Twitter und Instagram vertreten.
Die Zeitschrift der SASS, „Scandinavian Studies“, ist im Uni-Netz der WWU verfügbar; das Bulletin der Gesellschaft, „News & Notes“, kann über die Website gelesen werden.