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Kennen Sie schon … BBC Learning English?

Auf dem Por­tal „Learn­ing Eng­lish“ der BBC find­en Sie zahlre­iche Mate­ri­alien – Geschicht­en, Vok­a­bel­lis­ten, Quizzes, Kurse und vieles mehr – rund um’s Englis­chler­nen für unter­schiedliche Altersstufen und Anwen­dungszwecke von Kindergeschicht­en bis „Eng­lish at Uni­ver­si­ty“:

As part of the BBC World Ser­vice, BBC Learn­ing Eng­lish has been teach­ing Eng­lish to glob­al audi­ences since 1943, offer­ing free audio, video and text mate­ri­als to learn­ers around the world.

From our mobile Eng­lish cours­es in Bangladesh and Latin Amer­i­ca to our online offer for mil­lions of Chi­nese learn­ers, BBC Learn­ing Eng­lish pro­vides mul­ti­me­dia Eng­lish lan­guage teach­ing mate­ri­als to meet learn­ers‘ needs. 

Many of our mate­ri­als are deliv­ered as full length cours­es but each com­po­nent of the course is stand­alone and can be stud­ied on its own. This means the learn­er can choose the best way to study for them; by fol­low­ing a full course or by fol­low­ing the indi­vid­ual mate­ri­als most appro­pri­ate to them. 

Zum Abon­nieren gibt es z.B. einige Pod­casts: 6 Minute Eng­lish, 6 Minute Vocab­u­lary6 Minute Gram­marNews ReviewThe Eng­lish We SpeakEng­lish through dra­maEng­lish for Man­darin speak­ers.

Die „Learn­ing Eng­lish“-App bringt Ihnen alle Inhalte auf Ihr Handy.

Neben der Web­site ist „Learn­ing Eng­lish“ auch auf Facebook, YouTube, Insta­gramTwit­ter und Naver zu find­en.

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