

Kennen Sie schon … Hazine?

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hazine or a khaz­i­na خزينة is a repos­i­to­ry. It is where you put things. Thus, Hazine is an online resource that seeks to func­tion as a repos­i­to­ry of writ­ing on repos­i­to­ries. It was start­ed by two Ottoman his­to­ri­ans, Nir Shafir and Chris Markiewicz, to pro­vide archives and library guides for researchers work­ing on the Mid­dle East, North Africa, and Islam­i­cate soci­eties.

Rec­og­niz­ing that research can be opaque and that the research process itself is often self-taught, Hazine was meant to help acquaint researchers, espe­cial­ly those step­ping into the field for the first time, with archives and how to nav­i­gate them. Heather Hugh­es was brought onto the team in 2016 to pro­vide a librar­i­an per­spec­tive. Heather invit­ed N.A. Man­sour to join the team in 2018. Since ‘relaunch­ing’ in 2018, Hazine has con­tin­ued to pro­vide the research com­mu­ni­ty with archive reviews, but Hugh­es and Man­sour have since reworked the web­site to be more broad­ly inclu­sive of cul­tur­al her­itage work­ers and high­light their con­tri­bu­tions to research, while also fea­tur­ing research tech­niques that address some of the unique chal­lenges to Islam­ic and Mid­dle East Stud­ies research. They hope to con­tin­ue to build the site both as a resource and as an inclu­sive space where con­ver­sa­tions can hap­pen about the research process from all angles. 

We cur­rent­ly run archive reviews, inter­views, long-form essays, and resource guides; we are open to all forms of writ­ing on diverse top­ics. Our guide­lines for sub­mis­sion can be seen here, but they are only a rough guide meant name­ly for archive reviews . Hazine also seeks to make aca­d­e­m­ic research leg­i­ble to those who might not be doing aca­d­e­m­ic work. We cur­rent­ly do not fea­ture such work but are cur­rent­ly try­ing to cre­ate mate­r­i­al that per­forms that role.  DM us on Twit­ter, mes­sage us on Face­book or email us ( to get the con­ver­sa­tion going.

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