„All families and genera“: exploring the corpus of English life sciences texts
“All families and genera”: Exploring the Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts aims at exploring scientific writing in late Modern English. This volume is the fourth of its kind devoted to the analysis of the relations between language and different scientific disciplines from 1700 to 1900. Here, forty texts on biology and related fields as compiled in the Corpus of English Life Sciences Texts (CELiST) constitute the basis for the fifteen studies describing scientific discourse on methodological issues, the period and the status of the discipline itself as well as pilot studies.
CELiST is accompanied by an updated version of the Coruña Corpus Tool (CCT), a purpose-designed software. Both the tool and the corpus are freely accessible at the Repositorio Universidade Coruña: CCT at http://hdl.handle.net/2183/21850 and CELiST at https://doi.org/10.17979/spudc.9788497497848.
The book is addressed to an international readership. It is of interest for university libraries as well as other academic institutions/societies and individual scholars specialised in corpus linguistics and historical linguistics all over the world.
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Embodying the tactile in Victorian literature: touching bodies/bodies touching
Embodying the Tactile in Victorian Literature: Touching Bodies/Bodies Touching explores the importance of sensory studies in mid to late-Victorian literature. Ann Gagné reconciles the social and cultural issues surrounding embodiment, particularly gendered embodiment, through the lens of tactility and how touch can function as embodied residue. The main focus on tactility highlights bodily interactions through narrative description and positions lived experience as narrated and witnessed on the body through touch. By exploring four distinct types of tactility—reciprocal touch, architectural touch, self-touch, and telepathic touch—found in Victorian literature, Gagné reveals a larger social and cultural focus on ethics, care, the built environment, and pedagogy. Through analyses of more canonical texts such as Goblin Market alongside lesser known works by canonical authors such as Wilkie Collins’s “Mrs. Zant and the Ghost,” Gagné demonstrates how these same sensory considerations continue to be important today.
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