

Kennen Sie schon … das Songkorpus?

Screenshot der Startseite des Songkorpus ( (Stand 26.1.2022)

Just as pop music has evolved from an orig­i­nal­ly youth cul­tur­al phe­nom­e­non into an inte­gral part of mod­ern cul­ture, its tex­tu­al con­tent has become omnipresent in the realm of every­day lan­guage. We are sur­round­ed by pop lyrics, e.g. in the form of in-car radio lis­ten­ing, online stream­ing ser­vices, ambi­ent music for depart­ment stores and restau­rants, or in the con­text of TV shows. In view of this high com­mu­nica­tive impact fac­tor, there is a sub­stan­tial desider­a­tum regard­ing the empir­i­cal explo­ration of pop lyrics in cor­pus lin­guis­tics.
The Cor­pus of Song Lyrics („Songko­r­pus“) address­es this desit­er­a­tum and con­tains sus­tain­ably uti­liz­able, mul­ti­lay­er anno­tat­ed song texts, fea­tur­ing phe­nom­e­na of both writ­ten and spo­ken dis­course. It is ded­i­cat­ed to lin­guis­tic research, as well as to relat­ed dis­ci­plines such as media, cul­tur­al & lit­er­ary stud­ies, social sci­ences, or musi­col­o­gy, who have a sci­en­tif­ic inter­est in con­tem­po­rary Ger­man rock and pop music lan­guage.

The cor­pus is still in its ear­ly stages, for detailed infor­ma­tion please refer to the gen­er­al sta­tis­tics. So far, it com­pris­es:
Udo Lin­den­berg Archive (1972-today)
Kon­stan­tin Weck­er Archive (1973-today)
Stop­pok Archive (1982-today)
Ulla Mei­necke Archive (1977-today)
Hannes Wad­er Archive (1969-today)
Fettes Brot Archive (1994-today)

All these archives con­tain XML TEI P5 anno­tat­ed song lyrics with lemma­ti­za­tions and part-of-speech anno­ta­tions (extend­ed STTS). Named enti­ties, neol­o­gisms, and con­stituent struc­tures are through­out anno­tat­ed, some­times also rhyme types.

Besides, the cor­pus fea­tures some the­mat­ic archives:
FRG Sin­gle Charts: the 1800 most suc­ces­full Ger­man-lan­guage songs from the Top 100 since 1970, accord­ing to Chart­surfer
GDR Sin­gle Charts: ca. 500 East Ger­man songs from 1970–1990, based on the GDR chart lists
HipHop Songs: 1000 Ger­man rap lyrics, cov­er­ing more than two decades

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