

Podcasts rund um Literatur(wissenschaft) 3

Es gibt eine „bunte Mis­chung“ von Pod­casts, die sich mit Lit­er­atur und Lit­er­atur­wis­senschaft beschäfti­gen.
Ken­nen Sie diese schon?

  • The New York Times The Book Review Pod­cast
    „The pod­cast that takes you inside the lit­er­ary world.“
  • Back­list­ed: Giv­ing new life to old books
    „Back­list­ed is now one of the most pop­u­lar book pod­casts. Each episode fea­tures a guest (usu­al­ly a writer) who has cho­sen a book they love and which they think deserves a wider audi­ence. Though spon­sored by the crowd-fund­ing pub­lish­er Unbound, it isn’t about sell­ing new prod­uct: it’s about how and why some books stand the test of time.
    Our lis­ten­ers are com­mit­ted, adven­tur­ous read­ers. As well as live­ly, well-informed dis­cus­sion we include read­ings and audio clips of the fea­tured author. Our job is to make you want to read the book.“
  • Brat­tle­cast: A First­hand Look at Sec­ond­hand Books
    „At one of America’s old­est book­shops, there are just as many sto­ries to be told out­side the pages as in them. Join book­seller Ken­neth Gloss and co-host Jor­dan Rich as they share enter­tain­ing con­ver­sa­tions and his­to­ries sur­round­ing Boston’s favorite spot for bib­lio­philes.“
  • Behind the Book­shelves: The Abe­Books Pod­cast
    „Enjoy pod­casts about books? You’re in luck. Launched in March 2018, Abe­Books‘ pod­cast series is called Behind the Book­shelves. Abe­Books (a.k.a. ABE) tells the sto­ries behind books and the peo­ple who love them. It cov­ers a wide range of book­ish top­ics, and is designed to appeal to any­one who loves read­ing and adding books to their col­lec­tion.
    We have inter­viewed authors, book­sellers, col­lec­tors, librar­i­ans, muse­um cura­tors, book­binders, pro­fes­sors, and orga­niz­ers of book fes­ti­vals.“
  • The Slight­ly Foxed Pod­cast
    Der Pod­cast zum Lit­er­atur­magazin: „The inde­pen­dent-mind­ed quar­ter­ly mag­a­zine that com­bines good looks, good writ­ing and a per­son­al approach. Slight­ly Foxed intro­duces its read­ers to books that are no longer new and fash­ion­able but have last­ing appeal. Good-humoured, unpre­ten­tious and a bit eccen­tric, it’s more like hav­ing a well-read friend than a sub­scrip­tion to a lit­er­ary review.“

via „Pod­casts for Bib­lio­philes

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