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Kennen Sie schon … das Ukrainian Institute London?

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Who We Are
The Ukrain­ian Insti­tute Lon­don is a cen­tre for Ukraine-relat­ed edu­ca­tion­al and cul­tur­al activ­i­ties. We work to high­light impor­tant con­tem­po­rary and his­tor­i­cal issues affect­ing not just Ukraine but also the wider world, facil­i­tat­ing pub­lic dia­logue through our projects, events and online resources. The Ukrain­ian Insti­tute Lon­don is a char­i­ty reg­is­tered in Eng­land and Wales and is an affil­i­ate of the Ukrain­ian Catholic Uni­ver­si­ty.

What We Do
We hold events in Lon­don and online to edu­cate and inspire audi­ences in the UK and world­wide about Ukraine. Our events include talks by promi­nent experts on chal­leng­ing issues and top­ics rang­ing from Ukrain­ian cur­rent affairs and pol­i­tics to his­to­ry and cul­ture. We also run a Ukrain­ian lan­guage school, a book club and larg­er-scale cul­tur­al events and projects.

Our Sto­ry
The Ukrain­ian Insti­tute Lon­don was found­ed in 1979 by Patri­arch Josyf Slipyj, head of the Ukrain­ian Greek-Catholic Church, fol­low­ing his release from the Sovi­et Gulag.
In the Sovi­et Union, the Ukrain­ian Greek-Catholic Church was sup­pressed, and Josyf Slipyj was arrest­ed along­side many oth­er mem­bers of the Church in 1945. The Lviv The­o­log­i­cal Acad­e­my (pre­de­ces­sor of the Ukrain­ian Catholic Uni­ver­si­ty), of which Josyf Slipyj was the first rec­tor, was also dis­band­ed.
After endur­ing 18 years of hard labour in Sovi­et camps, Josyf Slipyj was released fol­low­ing pres­sure from Pope John XXIII and Pres­i­dent John F. Kennedy.
Free but in exile, Josyf Slipyj, now Car­di­nal and Con­fes­sor of Faith, returned to his life’s work of strength­en­ing UGCC eccle­si­as­ti­cal and edu­ca­tion­al struc­tures.
In 1963, he res­ur­rect­ed and trans­formed the dis­band­ed Lviv The­o­log­i­cal Acad­e­my into a new Ukrain­ian Catholic Uni­ver­si­ty based in Rome, and estab­lished affil­i­ates of the uni­ver­si­ty in Europe and Amer­i­ca. In 1979, Patri­arch Slipyj acquired the build­ing at 79 Hol­land Park to house the Lon­don affil­i­ate of the uni­ver­si­ty.

Near­ly 20 years after his death, Patri­arch Slipyj’s dream of cre­at­ing a ful­ly devel­oped uni­ver­si­ty in Ukraine was realised. In 2002, the Ukrain­ian Catholic Uni­ver­si­ty (UCU) opened in Lviv.
Today, UCU is Ukraine’s lead­ing inde­pen­dent uni­ver­si­ty, and is open to stu­dents of all faiths. It con­tin­ues to main­tain strong links with its affil­i­ates in Amer­i­ca and Europe, includ­ing the Ukrain­ian Insti­tute Lon­don based at 79 Hol­land Park, now a reg­is­tered char­i­ty ded­i­cat­ed to broad­en­ing knowl­edge about Ukraine in the UK.

Giv­ing Ukraine a voice in the UK
Since 1979 when it was estab­lished, the Ukrain­ian Insti­tute Lon­don has been led by its direc­tors – Prof Petro Cym­bal­istyj 1979–2004, Mar­ta Jenkala 2004–2008, Andy Hun­der 2008–2015, Mari­na Pesen­ti 2015–2020 and Olesya Khrom­ey­chuk 2020-present. In 2016, the Insti­tute was reg­is­tered as a char­i­ty in Eng­land and Wales, a board of trustees was formed and the exec­u­tive team was expand­ed. In recent years, the Insti­tute has grown to be a major actor in giv­ing Ukraine a voice in the UK and beyond.


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