Seit 2018 gibt es bei „Bunny Trails: A Word History Podcast“ wöchentliche Folgen:
Welcome to our whimsical adventure of idioms and other turns of phrase. Each week, we delve into the origins of phrases to find out how they came into the English language. We tell the story of the phrase from its beginnings to where it is today. Shauna and Dan are two big nerds, so expect some geek culture references, random trivia facts, and loads of laughs. DFTBA!
Die Autor:innen hinter dem Podcast sind zwar keine Sprachwissenschaftler:innen, aber sprachbegeistert:
Shauna Harrison and Dan Pugh are both writers with varied backgrounds. Shauna guest-hosted on one of Dan’s podcast and had so much fun she wanted to start her own podcast. She asked Dan to join her because they both have a love of words and where those words come from. Shauna and Dan have known each other since they were kids and have a long history which helps the banter and conversational tone of the show.
Und woher kommt der Name?
The name „Bunny Trails“ comes from the idiom ‚down the rabbit trail‘ meaning to get stray from the point of the story. Shauna felt this was a clever name, since it’s a show about idioms. Both her and Dan have a tendency to get lost down bunny trails during conversations.
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