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Kennen Sie schon … das Léxico hispanoamericano?

Logo des Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies (https://textred.spanport.lss.wisc.edu/lexico_hispanoamericano/)

Das Léx­i­co his­panoamer­i­cano war ursprünglich das vom His­pan­ic Sem­i­nary of Medieval Stud­ies zwis­chen 1982 und 1994 auf Mikro­fiche veröf­fentlichte fünf­bändi­ge Stan­dard­wörter­buch zur Geschichte des spanis­chen Wortschatzes in Ameri­ka.
Es umfasst über 80.000 Lem­ma­ta aus 387 Tex­ten von 1493 bis 1993 mit detail­lierten gram­ma­tis­chen und seman­tis­chen Angaben sowie Infor­ma­tio­nen zur Ver­wen­dung, zur Kol­loka­tion und zu Beleg­stellen.

Seit 2015 liegt es in ein­er elek­tro­n­is­che Ver­sion vor:

In 1967 Pro­fes­sor Boyd-Bow­man began col­lect­ing mate­r­i­al for the Léx­i­co his­panoamer­i­cano (LHA), and a pre­lim­i­nary ver­sion of the six­teenth-cen­tu­ry mate­r­i­al was pub­lished in 1971. The amount of mate­r­i­al increased to such an extent, how­ev­er, that it became clear that its pub­li­ca­tion on paper would not be a viable under­tak­ing.

In 1982 the His­pan­ic Sem­i­nary of Medieval Stud­ies began to pub­lish the LHA, cen­tu­ry by cen­tu­ry, in the form of micro­fich­es. Each col­lec­tion of micro­fich­es was accom­pa­nied by an intro­duc­tion writ­ten by Pro­fes­sor Boyd-Bow­man. Many users and review­ers point­ed out, how­ev­er, that among oth­er incon­ve­niences of the micro­fiche edi­tion was the fact that search­ing for indi­vid­ual forms was time-con­sum­ing and brows­ing dif­fi­cult, and the use­ful­ness of the LHA would be con­sid­er­ably increased if it were pos­si­ble to com­bine the five indi­vid­ual cen­tu­ry col­lec­tions into a sin­gle cor­pus. By 1994, the edi­tors real­ized that this might be fea­si­ble and approached the Nation­al Endow­ment for the Human­i­ties in search of sup­port for a pro­ject­ed con­ver­sion of the LHA to a CD-sup­port­ed data­base with appro­pri­ate soft­ware incor­po­rat­ed.

In 2003 the His­pan­ic Sem­i­nary of Medieval Stud­ies pub­lished the CD-ROM ver­sion of the LHA. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, a few years after its appear­ance, changes made in the Win­dows oper­at­ing sys­tem and in the data­base pro­gram made the pro­gram unex­e­cutable.

Final­ly, in 2015, hav­ing secured fund­ing from the Grad­u­ate School of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wis­con­sin-Madi­son, Ivy Cor­fis (project direc­tor), Fer­nan­do Teje­do-Her­rero (edi­to­r­i­al assis­tant), Pablo Ancos (edi­to­r­i­al assis­tant), and Philip Tib­betts (tech­ni­cal devel­op­ment) pub­lished the online ver­sion of the LHA.

It is the hope of the edi­tors that this lat­est ver­sion of the LHA will make the wealth of infor­ma­tion doc­u­ment­ing the use of Span­ish in the Amer­i­c­as over five cen­turies more wide­ly known and more acces­si­ble.


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