

Kennen Sie schon … „Public Books“?

Pub­lic Books unites the best of the uni­ver­si­ty with the open­ness of the inter­net. The dig­i­tal mag­a­zine was found­ed in 2012 by Sharon Mar­cus, a lit­er­a­ture pro­fes­sor, and Caitlin Zaloom, an anthro­pol­o­gist. Their mis­sion was sim­ple: to pub­lish writ­ing that is eru­dite with­out being eso­teric and brings schol­ar­ly depth to dis­cus­sions of con­tem­po­rary ideas, cul­ture, and pol­i­tics.

Pub­lic Books began with these pre­cepts: that experts who devote their lives to mas­ter­ing their sub­jects need to be heard. That it is desir­able for aca­d­e­mics to speak to a broad­er audi­ence, and excit­ing for read­ers out­side of the acad­e­my to debate what schol­ars have to say. Most impor­tant­ly, that bound­aries between dis­ci­plines and ways of know­ing deserve to be bridged—and that bar­ri­ers between the acad­e­my and the pub­lic deserve to be bro­ken.

At Pub­lic Books, aca­d­e­mics join with oth­er pub­lic schol­ars, crit­ics, and activists to make the life of the mind a pub­lic good.

Die „Sec­tions“ geben einen Überblick über die The­men­bere­iche, denen sich Pub­lic Books wid­met.
Bei den Pod­casts sind die „Pri­ma­ry Sources“, eine Gespräch­srei­he mit Autor:innen, vor kurzem hinzugekom­men.

Das Por­tal ist unter @publicbooks bei Twit­ter vertreten, und es ist auch bei Face­book und Insta­gram zu find­en.

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