

Kennen Sie schon … die „Old English Wordhord“?

Die „Word­hord“ ist eine Samm­lung altenglis­ch­er Wörter, zu der jeden Tag ein Wort hinzukommt.

ein Foto der ursprünglichen "wordhord", aus der später ein Twitter-Account und ein Blog wurde, von der Seite
die ursprüngliche „word­hord“, aus der später ein Twit­ter-Account und ein Blog wurde

Sie ent­stand aus ein­er Wis­senschafts-Kun­st-Aktion Lon­don­er Studieren­der:
„In autumn 2013 over pints at their local a group of post­grads from King’s Col­lege Lon­don pon­dered what they could do to engage the wider com­mu­ni­ty of Fins­bury Park in an exhib­it on Old Eng­lish in a sin­gle room of a small art gallery.
This was not the first time these stu­dents had been asked to rack their brains to come up with some ‘alter­na­tive’ way to present their research […]. As before, they were a bit scep­ti­cal of the whole thing, but after a few drinks they came up with an idea—a visu­al, inter­ac­tive word­hord.
And this is what we did.
The Old Eng­lish
word­hord is (rather obvi­ous­ly) defined as ‘a word-hoard, a store of words’. […]
We thought, why not cre­ate our own word­hord? Our inter­est in Old Eng­lish extends from the pure­ly seman­tic to the his­tor­i­cal to the poet­ic, and we could eas­i­ly come up with a list of our favourite words. This could be our ‘hoard’. But why not open up the project to a wider com­mu­ni­ty of Anglo-Sax­on­ists and lit­er­a­ture stu­dents all over the world? We decid­ed that we’d open up our ‘hoard’ for a cou­ple weeks, ask­ing peo­ple via Twit­ter, Face­book and word-of-mouth to send us their favourite words of Old Eng­lish. […] The day of the word­hord came and went. It was only a tem­po­rary exhi­bi­tion; the wall has since been paint­ed over and used for oth­er pur­pos­es. […]

Eine der Teil­nehmerin­nen hat das Pro­jekt dann fort­ge­führt:
„But I had enjoyed the word­hord too much to leave it to its fate as for­got­ten palimpsest of Fur­ther­field Gallery. I decid­ed to give it new life in the form of an ‘Old Eng­lish Word-of-the-Day’ Twit­ter account: @OEWordhord. Aside from giv­ing me yet anoth­er way to avoid work­ing on my dis­ser­ta­tion, this Twit­ter account became a great way for me to keep on build­ing my Old Eng­lish vocab­u­lary. It made look­ing up words more fun because this gave me new trea­sures to hoard. I enjoy see­ing which words get retweet­ed the most (as of this post fasti­tocalon is num­ber one by a long shot, fol­lowed by sceo) and read­ing people’s respons­es to dif­fer­ent words.
So that’s how @OEWordhord got start­ed and so shall it con­tin­ue, because Old Eng­lish is the dead lan­guage that refus­es to die, hwæt!“

Neben dem erwäh­n­ten Twit­ter-Account gibt es auch ein Blog mit der Samm­lung der Wörter.

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