

„All things Icelandic“ in der British Library

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In ihrem Euro­pean stud­ies blog stellt die British Library in ein­er Artikelserie ihre isländis­chen Samm­lun­gen vor:

As the Nation­al and Uni­ver­si­ty Library of Ice­land com­mem­o­rate the 250th anniver­sary of Joseph Banks’s expe­di­tion to Ice­land with an exhi­bi­tion, we are pub­lish­ing a series of blogs on all things Ice­landic in the British Library col­lec­tions. We will be cov­er­ing the sto­ries behind the arrival of our ear­li­est Ice­landic man­u­scripts; trav­el lit­er­a­ture in the wake of Banks; some of the key fig­ures in the move­ment of Ice­landic mate­r­i­al cul­ture and ideas; as well as our lat­est acqui­si­tions.

Im ersten Beitrag geht es um isländis­che Hand­schriften.
Unter dem Tag „Ice­land“ find­en Sie auch frühere Beiträge zum The­ma Island.

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