

Kennen Sie schon … Romantic Circles?

Logo des Portals "Romantic Circles" ( (Stand 24.8.2022)

Roman­tic Cir­cles ist ein virtuelles Forschungsportal zur englis­chsprachi­gen Roman­tik.

Die Seite ist in acht Bere­iche aufgeteilt:

1. “Elec­tron­ic Edi­tions” fea­tures new vol­umes of edit­ed Roman­tic-era texts along with com­men­tary and anno­ta­tion by lead­ing con­tem­po­rary schol­ars in the field.
2. “Prax­is Series” fea­tures peer-reviewed vol­umes of lit­er­ary crit­i­cism.
3. “Schol­ar­ly Resources” con­tains research tools includ­ing bib­li­ogra­phies, index­es and con­cor­dances, chronolo­gies, and oth­er mis­cel­la­neous resources.
4. “Ped­a­go­gies” con­tains a ped­a­gog­i­cal blog, online syl­labi, and “Roman­tic Ped­a­gogy Com­mons,” a peer-reviewed jour­nal devot­ed to teach­ing Roman­ti­cism.
5. “The Gallery” fea­tures a curat­ed col­lec­tion of Roman­tic-era images.
6. “Audio” con­tains a col­lec­tion of audio files includ­ing inter­views, read­ings, and lec­tures. This sec­tion also includes Poets on Poets, which con­tains record­ing of prac­tic­ing poets from around the world read­ing a Roman­tic-peri­od poem.
7. “RC Unbound” is a peri­od­i­cal pub­lic-fac­ing pub­li­ca­tion; each issue fea­tures a sheaf of fugi­tive posts on urgent issues and events.
8. “Reviews & Recep­tions” con­tains reviews of cur­rent Roman­tic schol­ar­ship and con­tem­po­rary engage­ments with Roman­tic-era lit­er­a­ture, art, and cul­ture.

Gast­beitrag von Miri­am Lahrsow

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