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Kennen Sie schon … das Portal „History of Nordic Women’s Literature“?

Screenshot der Seite "The History of Nordic Women's Literature" (https://nordicwomensliterature.net/) (Stand 25.4.2022)

Here you can keep up to date with the lat­est cur­rents in Nordic women’s lit­er­a­ture, and at the same time become well acquaint­ed with over one thou­sand years of women’s lit­er­ary his­to­ry in Swe­den, Nor­way, Den­mark, Fin­land, the Faroe Islands, Ice­land, Green­land and the Åland Islands – all in arti­cles writ­ten by lead­ing schol­ars.


Das Por­tal gliedert sich in drei Bere­iche:

Arti­cles: Search among 235 arti­cles, fil­ter by coun­try, peri­od and key­word. Brief sum­maries pro­vide a quick intro­duc­tion to the indi­vid­ual arti­cles.
Writ­ers: View the site’s 821 writ­ers on a time­line, or sort­ed alpha­bet­i­cal­ly or by coun­try and peri­od.
Themes: The ten themes gath­er togeth­er arti­cles and writ­ers across time and place and demon­strate the range of per­spec­tives and the­mat­ics rep­re­sent­ed on the site. Themes are intend­ed to inspire, and will be use­ful for teach­ing pur­pos­es, or as a resource for stu­dents.

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