

Kennen Sie schon … die Naxi manuscripts collection der Harvard Library?

Die Samm­lung der Har­vard-Yench­ing Library, ein­er Spezial­bib­lio­thek für Ostasien, umfasst Manuskripte in der pik­tographis­chen Dong­ba-Schrift der Naxi im Süd­west­en Chi­nas:

One of the last wide­ly used pic­to­graph­ic lan­guages in the world, the writ­ten lan­guage of the Dong­ba, an eth­nic minor­i­ty in south­west Chi­na, is today all but lost. Only a very few Chi­nese schol­ars and remain­ing Naxi are able to read it.

The dig­i­ti­za­tion of Har­vard-Yench­ing Library’s 600-plus Naxi man­u­scripts is being shared with schol­ars in Chi­na, who will add trans­la­tions to the col­lec­tion that will pre­serve the record of the cus­toms, reli­gious prac­tices, and dai­ly life of the Naxi peo­ple.

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