

Kennen Sie schon … den Podcast „Silly Linguistics“?

„Sil­ly Lin­guis­tics is a pod­cast about lan­guage. We take a broad­er look at lan­guage. What are some of the ways lan­guage influ­ences the world, and how does the world influ­ence lan­guage? What role does lan­guage ful­fill in soci­ety? Is lan­guage preser­va­tion impor­tant? How do we pre­serve lan­guage and why should we do it?
These are just some of the top­ics cov­ered on the pod­cast.“

Die Fol­gen des Pod­casts kön­nen z.B. über oder iTunes gehört wer­den; im Blog find­en sich Tran­skripte und weit­er­führende Infor­ma­tio­nen.

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