

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Romanistik 2022.12

Geschichte der roman­is­chen Län­der und ihrer Sprachen: Innerro­man­is­ch­er und deutsch-roman­is­ch­er Sprachver­gle­ich. Mit beson­der­er Berück­sich­ti­gung
der Dacoro­ma­nia

BuchcoverDer Sam­mel­band Geschichte der roman­is­chen Län­der und ihrer Sprachen ist dem bekan­nten Daco-Roman­is­ten Rudolf Windisch gewid­met. Die Leserin­nen und Leser dür­fen also zurecht viele Infor­ma­tio­nen zum Balka­n­ro­man­is­chen und zur Geschichte und Geo­gra­phie Südos­teu­ropas erwarten. Einen weit­eren the­ma­tis­chen Schw­er­punkt bilden Frankre­ich, seine Sprache, seine Ideengeschichte und seine Lit­er­atur. Nicht zulet­zt informiert der Band auch über die Geschichte der roman­is­chen Sprach­wis­senschaft und ver­mit­telt Ein­blicke in die leb­hafte, nicht immer emo­tions­freie Diskus­sion, die zwis­chen den führen­den Vertretern dieser Diszi­plin geführt wurde.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log­Plus
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

The mid­dle voice and con­nect­ed con­struc­tions in Ibero-Romance. A vari­a­tion­ist and dialec­tal account
BuchcoverThe reflex­ive con­struc­tions that are the focus of this book are the con­struc­tions broad­ly described with the term “mid­dle”: i.e., those that can appear in all per­sons, and in which the reflex­ive mark­er (RM) can­not be under­stood as a full ref­er­en­tial pro­noun. One goal of this study is to pro­vide a cor­pus-based typol­o­gy of mid­dle and relat­ed uses that allow us to com­pare the behav­iour of the RM in these con­struc­tions with pre­vi­ous typo­log­i­cal accounts, where com­pet­ing mod­els (based either on changes of diathe­sis or on the seman­tics of the ver­bal event) can be found. A sec­ond goal is to shed light on the evo­lu­tion of the dif­fer­ent func­tions of the RM, by explor­ing the fac­tors that affect its pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, with a spe­cif­ic focus on those verbs where reflex­ive mark­ing is most vari­able, that is, anti­causative verbs and verbs with no change of valen­cy. These reflex­ive con­struc­tions show a notable dif­fer­ence in pro­duc­tiv­i­ty in Span­ish and Gali­cian, although the lan­guages are close­ly relat­ed and con­tigu­ous. The lan­guages are thus good can­di­dates for a con­trastive and vari­a­tion­ist analy­sis serv­ing these two goals. The seman­tic class of the pred­i­cate, its aspec­tu­al prop­er­ties and the ani­ma­cy of the sub­ject are some of the most rel­e­vant fac­tors that are tak­en into account to under­stand the moti­va­tions behind the pres­ence (or absence) of the RM. By rely­ing on a cor­pus of inter­views from rur­al com­mu­ni­ties across penin­su­lar Spain (except Cat­alo­nia), space as a rel­e­vant extra-lin­guis­tic vari­able is tak­en into account, help­ing uncov­er pre­vi­ous­ly unknown geo­graph­i­cal pat­terns.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log­Plus
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

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