

Open-Access-Bücher zur Slavistik

In der let­zten Zeit sind u.a. diese frei ver­füg­baren Titel erschienen:

Formal approaches to number in Slavic and beyond

Mojmír Dočekal & Marcin Wągiel (Hrsg.) &

The goal of this col­lec­tive mono­graph is to explore the rela­tion­ship between the cog­ni­tive notion of num­ber and var­i­ous gram­mat­i­cal devices express­ing this con­cept in nat­ur­al lan­guage with a spe­cial focus on Slav­ic. The book aims at inves­ti­gat­ing dif­fer­ent mor­phosyn­tac­tic and seman­tic cat­e­gories includ­ing plu­ral­i­ty and num­ber-mark­ing, indi­vid­u­a­tion and count­abil­i­ty, cumu­la­tiv­i­ty, dis­trib­u­tiv­i­ty and col­lec­tiv­i­ty, numer­als, numer­al mod­i­fiers and clas­si­fiers, as well as oth­er quan­ti­fiers. It gath­ers 19 con­tri­bu­tions tack­ling the main themes from dif­fer­ent the­o­ret­i­cal and method­olog­i­cal per­spec­tives in order to con­tribute to our under­stand­ing of cross-lin­guis­tic pat­terns both in Slav­ic and non-Slav­ic lan­guages.

Russian verbal prefixation: A frame semantic analysis

Yulia Zino­va &

This book address­es the com­plex­i­ty of Russ­ian ver­bal pre­fix­a­tion sys­tem that has been exten­sive­ly stud­ied but yet not explained. Tra­di­tion­al­ly, dif­fer­ent mean­ings have been inves­ti­gat­ed and list­ed in the dic­tio­nar­ies and gram­mars and more recent­ly lin­guists attempt­ed to uni­fy var­i­ous pre­fix usages under more gen­er­al descrip­tions. The exis­tent seman­tic approach­es, how­ev­er, do not aim to use seman­tic rep­re­sen­ta­tions in order to account for the prob­lems of pre­fix stack­ing and aspect deter­mi­na­tion. This task has been so far under­tak­en by syn­tac­tic approach­es to pre­fix­a­tion, that divide ver­bal pre­fix­es in class­es and lim­it com­plex verb for­ma­tion by restrict­ing struc­tur­al posi­tions avail­able for the mem­bers of each class.

I show that these approach­es have two major draw­backs: the implic­it pre­dic­tion of the non-exis­tence of com­plex biaspec­tu­al verbs and the absence of uni­form­ly accept­ed for­mal cri­te­ria for the under­ly­ing pre­fix clas­si­fi­ca­tion. In this book the read­er can find an imple­mentable for­mal seman­tic approach to pre­fix­a­tion that cov­ers five pre­fix­es: za-, na-, po-, pere-, and do-. It is shown how to pre­dict the exis­tence, seman­tics, and aspect of a giv­en com­plex verb with the help of the com­bi­na­tion of an LTAG and frame seman­tics. The task of iden­ti­fy­ing the pos­si­ble affix com­bi­na­tions is dis­trib­uted between three mod­ules: syn­tax, which is kept sim­ple (only basic struc­tur­al assump­tions), frame seman­tics, which ensures that the con­straints are respect­ed, and prag­mat­ics, which rules out some pre­fixed verbs and restricts the range of avail­able inter­pre­ta­tions. For the pur­pose of the eval­u­a­tion of the the­o­ry, an imple­men­ta­tion of the pro­posed analy­sis for a gram­mar frag­ment using a meta­gram­mar descrip­tion is pro­vid­ed. It is shown that the pro­posed analy­sis deliv­ers more accu­rate and com­plete pre­dic­tions with respect to the exis­tence of com­plex verbs than the most pre­cise syn­tac­tic account.

Language Politics, Language Situations and Conflicts in Multilingual Societies: Case Studies from Contemporary Russia, Ukraine and Belarus

Daniel Müller & Moni­ka Win­gen­der (Hrsg.)

In order to shed light on the com­plex rela­tion­ships between language(s) and conflict(s) and, in so doing, to con­tribute to the nec­es­sary expan­sion of the research field into lan­guage con­flicts, the present vol­ume address­es a broad spec­trum of ques­tions and issues regard­ing lan­guage pol­i­tics and lan­guage sit­u­a­tions in con­nec­tion with lan­guage con­flicts in mul­ti­lin­gual soci­eties in East­ern Europe. Most notably, this vol­ume is a com­bi­na­tion of the­o­ret­i­cal and method­olog­i­cal con­sid­er­a­tions with elab­o­rate empir­i­cal research in the form of mass sur­veys or focus group dis­cus­sions. Accord­ing­ly, the present vol­ume con­sists of a method­olog­i­cal-the­o­ret­i­cal intro­duc­tion to lin­guis­tic con­flict research fol­lowed by three the­mat­ic sec­tions on lan­guage inter­ac­tions, lan­guage pol­i­tics, and lan­guage sit­u­a­tions in mul­ti­lin­gual soci­eties in East­ern Europe.
This book is the sec­ond vol­ume pre­sent­ing the results of an inter­na­tion­al soci­olin­guis­tic project com­par­ing bi- and mul­ti­lin­gual sit­u­a­tions in present-day Ukraine and Rus­sia. This tri­lat­er­al project was fund­ed by the Volk­swa­gen Foun­da­tion (2016–2019) with­in the frame­work of its fund­ing pro­gramme Tri­lat­er­al Part­ner­ships – Coop­er­a­tion Projects between Schol­ars and Sci­en­tists from Ukraine, Rus­sia, and Ger­many. This vol­ume presents the con­tri­bu­tions to the project’s con­clud­ing con­fer­ence in Giessen in 2019.

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