

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Anglistik 2023.2

Broad­en­ing the spec­trum of cor­pus lin­guis­tics: New approach­es to vari­abil­i­ty and change
BuchcoverThis vol­ume presents a snap­shot of the cur­rent state of the art of research in Eng­lish cor­pus lin­guis­tics. It con­tains select­ed papers from the 40th ICAME con­fer­ence in 2019 and fea­tures con­tri­bu­tions from experts in syn­chron­ic, diachron­ic, and con­trastive lin­guis­tics, as well as in soci­olin­guis­tics, pho­net­ics, dis­course analy­sis, and learn­er lan­guage. The vol­ume show­cas­es the par­tic­u­lar strengths of research in the ICAME tra­di­tion. The papers in this vol­ume offer new insights from the reanaly­sis of new data types, method­olog­i­cal refine­ments and advance­ments of quan­ti­ta­tive analy­sis, and from tak­ing new per­spec­tives on ongo­ing debates in their respec­tive fields.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log­Plus
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

Unex­pect­ed plea­sures: par­o­dy, queer­ness, and genre in 20th-cen­tu­ry British fic­tion
BuchcoverWhat are the sources—and the effects—of the plea­sur­able feel­ing of pow­er that genre gives us? What hap­pens to that pow­er when con­ven­tion­al­i­ty tips into par­o­dy? Unex­pect­ed Plea­sures explores the con­nec­tion between genre par­o­dy and queer­ness in twen­ti­eth-cen­tu­ry British fic­tion. Teas­ing out the par­o­d­ic sen­si­bil­i­ty of writ­ers includ­ing Vir­ginia Woolf, Eliz­a­beth Bowen, Sam Selvon, Dorothy Say­ers, Stel­la Gib­bons, and Zadie Smith, Tuck­er offers an inno­v­a­tive read­ing of works that seem to obey exces­sive­ly the rules of genre. By over­sup­ply­ing the plea­sur­able sense of knowl­edge and the illu­sion of pre­dic­tive pow­er that genre con­fers, these works play with read­er­ly expec­ta­tion in order to expose and queer a broad­er set of assump­tions about desire, res­o­lu­tion, and futu­ri­ty. Unex­pect­ed Plea­sures expands on a bur­geon­ing crit­i­cal inter­est in genre as an inter­pre­tive tool, and fur­ther diver­si­fies the archive and method­ol­o­gy of queer cri­tique. Gath­er­ing a sur­pris­ing group of writ­ers togeth­er, it reveals new through-lines between mid­dle­brow and high­brow, and among mod­ernist, mid-cen­tu­ry, and con­tem­po­rary lit­er­a­ture.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log­Plus
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

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