

Kennen Sie schon …das „Archive of Recorded Poetry and Literature“ der LoC?

Die Library of Con­gress hat über Jahrzehnte eine große Audio-Samm­lung zur englis­chen Lit­er­atur aufge­baut, die in Teilen bere­its online ver­füg­bar ist:

Lis­ten to audio-record­ed read­ings of for­mer Con­sul­tants in Poet­ry Eliz­a­beth Bish­op, Gwen­dolyn Brooks and Robert Frost; Nobel Lau­re­ates Mario Var­gas Llosa and Czes­law Milosz, and renowned writ­ers such as Ray Brad­bury, Mar­garet Atwood, and Kurt Von­negut read from their work at the Library of Con­gress.

The Archive of Record­ed Poet­ry and Lit­er­a­ture at the Library of Con­gress dates back to 1943, when Allen Tate was Con­sul­tant in Poet­ry. It con­tains near­ly two thou­sand recordings—of poets and prose writ­ers par­tic­i­pat­ing in lit­er­ary events at the Library’s Capi­tol Hill cam­pus as well as ses­sions at the Library’s Record­ing Lab­o­ra­to­ry.

Most of these record­ings are cap­tured on mag­net­ic tape reels, and only acces­si­ble at the Library itself. In dig­i­tiz­ing the archive and pre­sent­ing it online, the Library hopes to great­ly broad­en its use and val­ue. The mate­r­i­al fea­tured on this online pre­sen­ta­tion rep­re­sents a sam­ple of this col­lec­tion. The site will con­tin­ue to pro­vide addi­tion­al items from this archive on a month­ly basis over the next sev­er­al years.

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