

Sonderheft der Zeitschrift „Mémoires du livre / Studies in Book Culture“ zur „Book History in the Nordic Countries“

Die zweis­prachige Zeitschrift „Mémoires du livre / Stud­ies in Book Cul­ture“, die open access erscheint, ist …

… ded­i­cat­ed to the study of the book in all its forms, includ­ing rare books, peri­od­i­cals, and ebooks. The jour­nal is open to every­thing con­cern­ing the past, present and future of the book: agents and insti­tu­tions in the chain of pro­duc­tion, mate­ri­al­i­ties and con­tents, prac­tices and uses. It is inter­est­ed in the pow­er that oper­ates with­in the world of the book as well as in the pow­er that books have. Mémoires du livre – Stud­ies in Book Cul­ture strives to shed light on the whole book cul­ture, from the pro­duc­tion to the recep­tion of books : every link in the chain is analysed, from author to read­er, includ­ing edi­tor, dis­trib­u­tor, trans­la­tor, book­seller, and librar­i­an. Res­olute­ly inter­dis­ci­pli­nary (his­to­ry, lit­er­ary stud­ies, eco­nom­ics, soci­ol­o­gy, etc.), the jour­nal is equal­ly open to the study of iden­ti­ties – by gen­der, cul­ture, social group – as they express them­selves in the his­to­ry of the book.

Heft 1 des Jahrgangs 13 aus dem Früh­jahr 2022 präsen­tiert 13 Artikel zur nordis­chen Buchgeschichte :

  • Book His­to­ry in the Nordic Coun­tries: Intro­duc­tion – Hen­ning Hansen and Maria Simonse
  • Prove­nance Research: Book His­to­ry, His­to­ri­og­ra­phy, and the Rise of an Epis­temic Cat­e­go­ry in Nineteenth‑Century Europe – Emma Hagström Molin
  • A Nordic Press: The Devel­op­ment of Print­ing in Scan­di­navia and the Baltic States before 1700 from a Euro­pean Per­spec­tive – Arthur der Weduwen and Barn­a­by Cullen
  • The Library of Leuf­stabruk – Peter Sjökvist
  • “… but he stayed up read­ing”: Books, Read­ers, and Read­ing in an Eighteenth‑Century East Nor­we­gian Parish – Roar Lishau­gen
  • Children’s Books and Child­hood Read­ing in Eighteenth‑ and Nineteenth‑Century Den­mark: Mem­oirs and Auto­bi­ogra­phies as Sources for Children’s Media Reper­toires – Char­lotte Appel, Nina Chris­tensen and Karo­line Baden Staffensen
  • The Vic­ar , the Noble­man, and the Peas­ant: About a Book and its Read­ers – Hen­ning Hansen
  • The Finn­mark Library: A Schol­ar­ly Library in “Ulti­ma Thule” – Geir Gren­ersen
  • Nor­we­gian Broad­side Bal­lads and the Col­lect­ing Prac­tices of Thor­vald Boeck – Yuri Cow­an
  • Ency­clo­pe­dias and Nation­al­ism in Den­mark: A Study of the Recep­tion of Three Ency­clo­pe­dias, from Print to Dig­i­tal – Maria Simon­sen
  • Culottes and Warm Pyja­mas: Pat­terns for Home Sewing in Swe­den Dur­ing the Sec­ond World War – Gunil­la Törn­vall
  • Sto­ry­teller, Stenog­ra­ph­er, and Self‑Published Super­star: How Astrid Lindgren’s Mul­ti­ple Roles in Book Pro­duc­tion Cre­at­ed the Lind­gren Myth – Malin Nauw­er­ck
  • Mod­el­ling Subscription‑Based Stream­ing Ser­vices for Books – Karl Berglund and Sara Tanderup Linkis

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