

Kennen Sie schon … die Radio Liberty (Radio Svoboda) Russian Broadcast Recordings?

Im Open Soci­ety Archive gibt es eine umfan­gre­ich­es Archiv zu Sendun­gen von Radio Svo­bo­da aufge­baut.
Sie kön­nen in der Samm­lung browsen oder gezielt suchen.

The col­lec­tion con­tains 26147 unique audio files that were pro­duced and broad­cast by RFE/RL’s Russ­ian Ser­vice. Span­ning from the very first pro­gram on air in 1953 till 1995, when RFE/RL moved from Munich, Ger­many to Prague, Czech Repub­lic, the broad­cast archive of these 42 years cov­er tur­bu­lent times: from Stalin’s death, the harsh­est bat­tles of the Cold War, the emer­gence of dis­si­dent move­ment with Samiz­dat as a part of it, the hope­ful times of Per­e­stroi­ka to the crash of the Sovi­et Union and the emer­gence of the new Rus­sia, strug­gling to over­come its her­itage.

The over 10 thou­sand hours of record­ings give an unpar­al­leled insight into the pol­i­tics and the fight for human rights in the Sovi­et Union; into every­day life of the Russ­ian-speak­ers liv­ing in the USSR or abroad, in a dias­po­ra; into the Russ­ian lit­er­a­ture, though unpub­lished, sup­pressed and unwant­ed, yet mak­ing its way to the grate­ful read­ers; into the dif­fer­ences and dis­putes between the three waves of Russ­ian emi­gra­tion with their uneasy rela­tion­ships in the West; into Russ­ian cul­ture in exile, which would soon make its way back to the moth­er­land.

The broad­cast archive include var­i­ous gen­res of Radio Svo­bo­da: news­reels and spe­cial broad­casts; talk shows writ­ten and edit­ed by famous writ­ers, poets, musi­cians, his­to­ri­ans and ana­lysts; lit­er­ary read­ings by authors or actors and radio plays; samiz­dat reviews; litur­gies and talks by Ortho­dox Church rev­erends; music pro­grams, inter­views and press-con­fer­ences with fresh emi­grants and many, many more.

The orig­i­nal open-reel tapes con­tain­ing Radio Liberty’s live broad­casts of the ‘Munich peri­od’ (1953–1995) were pre­served, archived, dig­i­tized and sys­tem­atized by the Russ­ian Service’s staff in Prague in the late 1990’s. RFE/RL donat­ed both the tapes and the dig­i­tized copies to Hoover Insti­tu­tion Archives, Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty. In 2015 Hoover Insti­tute autho­rized OSA to cre­ate meta­da­ta for the dig­i­tized audio, process the col­lec­tion and pre­pare the archive for pub­li­ca­tion online.

Tem­po­ral Cov­er­age: 1917–1995

Geo­graph­i­cal Cov­er­age: Czecho­slo­va­kia; Roma­nia; Poland; Hun­gary; Bul­gar­ia; Alba­nia; Yugoslavia; Sovi­et Union; Unit­ed States; France; Ger­many.–78b7-4cf9-b4f7-aaf218f85599

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