

Open-Access-Bücher zur Sprachwissenschaft

In der let­zten Zeit sind u.a. diese frei ver­füg­baren Titel erschienen:

Analyzing meaning: An introduction to semantics and pragmatics (3. Auflage)

Paul Kroeger &

This book pro­vides an intro­duc­tion to the study of mean­ing in human lan­guage, from a lin­guis­tic per­spec­tive. It cov­ers a fair­ly broad range of top­ics, includ­ing lex­i­cal seman­tics, com­po­si­tion­al seman­tics, and prag­mat­ics. The chap­ters are orga­nized into six units: (1) Foun­da­tion­al con­cepts; (2) Word mean­ings; (3) Impli­ca­ture (includ­ing indi­rect speech acts); (4) Com­po­si­tion­al seman­tics; (5) Modals, con­di­tion­als, and cau­sa­tion; (6) Tense & aspect.

Most of the chap­ters include exer­cis­es which can be used for class dis­cus­sion and/or home­work assign­ments, and each chap­ter con­tains ref­er­ences for addi­tion­al read­ing on the top­ics cov­ered.

As the title indi­cates, this book is tru­ly an intro­duc­tion: it pro­vides a sol­id foun­da­tion which will pre­pare stu­dents to take more advanced and spe­cial­ized cours­es in seman­tics and/or prag­mat­ics. It is also intend­ed as a ref­er­ence for field­work­ers doing pri­ma­ry research on under-doc­u­ment­ed lan­guages, to help them write gram­mat­i­cal descrip­tions that deal care­ful­ly and clear­ly with seman­tic issues. The approach adopt­ed here is large­ly descrip­tive and non-for­mal (or, in some places, semi-for­mal), although some basic log­i­cal nota­tion is intro­duced. The book is writ­ten at lev­el which should be appro­pri­ate for advanced under­grad­u­ate or begin­ning grad­u­ate stu­dents. It pre­sup­pos­es some pre­vi­ous course­work in lin­guis­tics, but does not pre­sup­pose any back­ground in for­mal log­ic or set the­o­ry.

Conspiracy Theory Discourses

Mas­si­m­il­iano Dema­ta, Vir­ginia Zorzi & Angela Zot­to­la (Hrsg.)

Con­spir­a­cy The­o­ry Dis­cours­es address­es a cru­cial phe­nom­e­non in the cur­rent polit­i­cal and com­mu­nica­tive con­text: con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries. The social impact of con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries is wide-rang­ing and their influ­ence on the polit­i­cal life of many nations is increas­ing. Con­spir­a­cy The­o­ry Dis­cours­es bridges an impor­tant gap by bring­ing dis­course-based insights to exist­ing knowl­edge about con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries, which has so far devel­oped in research areas oth­er than Lin­guis­tics and Dis­course Stud­ies. The chap­ters in this vol­ume call atten­tion to con­spir­acist dis­cours­es as deeply ingrained ways to inter­pret real­i­ty and con­struct social iden­ti­ties. They are based on mul­ti­ple, part­ly over­lap­ping ana­lyt­i­cal frame­works, includ­ing Crit­i­cal Dis­course Analy­sis, rhetoric, metaphor stud­ies, mul­ti­modal­i­ty, and cor­pus-based, quali-quan­ti­ta­tive approach­es. These approach­es are an entry point to fur­ther explore the envi­ron­ments which enable the pro­lif­er­a­tion of con­spir­a­cy the­o­ries, and the para­mount role of dis­course in fur­ther­ing con­spir­acist inter­pre­ta­tions of real­i­ty.

Syntax of Hungarian: coordination and ellipsis

Zoltán Bán­réti

Syn­tax of Hun­gar­i­an aims to present a syn­the­sis of the cur­rent­ly avail­able syn­tac­tic knowl­edge of the Hun­gar­i­an lan­guage, root­ed in the­o­ry but pro­vid­ing high­ly detailed descrip­tions, and intend­ed to be of use to researchers, as well as advanced stu­dents of lan­guage and lin­guis­tics. As research in lan­guage leads to exten­sive changes in our under­stand­ing and rep­re­sen­ta­tions of gram­mar, the Com­pre­hen­sive Gram­mar Resources series intends to present the most cur­rent under­stand­ing of gram­mar and syn­tax as com­plete­ly as pos­si­ble in a way that will both speak to mod­ern lin­guists and serve as a resource for the non-spe­cial­ist.
This vol­ume pro­vides a com­pre­hen­sive overview and descrip­tion of coor­di­nate struc­tures, the syn­tac­tic and seman­tic types of con­junc­tions, as well as the types of ellipses in sen­tences and short dia­logues. It dis­cuss­es mul­ti­ple con­junc­tions, coor­di­nat­ed wh-con­struc­tions, sluic­ing, and sen­tence frag­ments.

Reihe „Empirische Linguistik“ bei De Gruyter

Diese Schriften­rei­he wurde auf open access umgestellt.

Die Rei­he trägt der Tat­sache Rech­nung, dass sich die empirische, auf qual­i­ta­tive oder quan­ti­ta­tive Kor­pu­s­analyse gestützte Beschrei­bung von geschrieben­er und gesproch­en­er Sprache mit­tler­weile als zen­trales Par­a­dig­ma inner­halb der Sprach­wis­senschaft etabliert hat. Eine gebrauchs­basierte Ori­en­tierung ist dabei auf allen Ebe­nen der Sprachbeschrei­bung zu beobacht­en, sie reicht von Ansätzen in der Phonolo­gie- bzw. Prosodieforschung über empirische Arbeit­en in der Mor­pholo­gie, Syn­tax und Seman­tik bis hin zu prag­ma­tis­chen Ansätzen wie beispiel­sweise der Diskurs‑, Text- und Gespräch­s­analyse sowie der Medi­en- und Sozi­olin­guis­tik. Das Ziel der Rei­he ist, eine the­ma­tisch offene Plat­tform für unter­schiedliche Ansätze inner­halb der syn­chron ori­en­tierten Sprach­wis­senschaft sowie für inter­diszi­plinäre Arbeit­en mit einem sprach­wis­senschaftlichen Schw­er­punkt bere­itzustellen, die inno­v­a­tive Wege empirischen Arbeit­ens aufzeigen und neue Meth­o­d­en und the­o­retis­che Mod­elle anhand von Daten­ma­te­r­i­al entwick­eln.
Pub­liziert wer­den Mono­gra­phien sowie Sam­mel­bände mit einem syn­chro­nen, daten­basierten Zugang zu Sprach­analy­sen. Die Pub­lika­tion­ssprache ist entwed­er deutsch oder englisch. Alle Beiträge wer­den peer-reviewed.

Open Access: Dank eines Pilot­pro­jek­ts mit dem FID Lin­guis­tik wer­den zwis­chen 2019 und 2021 sechs Neuer­schei­n­un­gen Open Access pub­liziert. Zudem wur­den die bere­its erschiene­nen E‑Books der Bände 1 bis 9 nachträglich in Open Access-Pub­lika­tio­nen umge­wan­delt.

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