

Kennen Sie schon … „Eunoia“?

Unter dem Mot­to „Words That Don’t Trans­late“ sam­melt die „Erfind­erin“ dieser Daten­bank Wörter, für die es in anderen Sprachen keine genauen Pen­dants gibt:

Logo der Datenbank Eunoia ( (Stand 6.4.2023)

Wel­come to Eunoia: the search­able direc­to­ry of words that don’t trans­late. Eunoia itself is one of those untrans­lat­able words, which essen­tial­ly means a well-mind or beau­ti­ful think­ing.

Eunoia allows you to search for untrans­lat­able words by lan­guage, tag, or the word itself. There are over 500 words in the data­base, across 50+ lan­guages and 50+ tags.

Eunoia was orig­i­nal­ly built as part of a 24 hour start­up chal­lenge by Steph. It came fifth in that par­tic­u­lar chal­lenge and was the #2 prod­uct of the day on Prod­uct Hunt. She’s always been fas­ci­nat­ed with lan­guages and their untrans­lat­able words, but specif­i­cal­ly how when you look at them on an aggre­gate lev­el, it’s almost like a look­ing glass into that cul­ture.

Eunoia is always wel­com­ing new sug­ges­tions

Screenshot einiger Einträge in der Datenbank Eunoia ( (Stand 6.4.2023)

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