

Open-Access-Bücher zur Nordistik

In der let­zten Zeit sind u.a. diese frei ver­füg­baren Titel erschienen:

Stop! Hey, what’s that sound? The representation and realization of Danish stops

Ras­mus Pug­gaard-Rode

This dis­ser­ta­tion inves­ti­gates the pho­net­ic and phono­log­i­cal char­ac­ter­is­tics of Dan­ish stop con­so­nants, with par­tic­u­lar focus on their diachron­ic ori­gin and syn­chron­ic vari­a­tion. Using data-ori­ent­ed and sta­tis­ti­cal meth­ods, it fills empir­i­cal gaps in pho­net­ic research on Dan­ish stops and in doing so con­tributes to our under­stand­ing of the over­all sound sys­tem of the lan­guage.

The dis­ser­ta­tion reports the results of a num­ber of stud­ies which com­bine spon­ta­neous speech cor­po­ra with state-of-the-art tech­niques in sta­tis­ti­cal mod­el­ing. Top­ics con­sid­ered include inter­vo­cal­ic voic­ing, which is shown to be rare in all stops and in almost all pho­net­ic con­texts, and affrica­tion of aspi­rat­ed stop releas­es, which is shown to be strong­ly depen­dent on place of artic­u­la­tion. The dis­ser­ta­tion also inves­ti­gates a range of pho­net­ic para­me­ters in a lega­cy cor­pus of tra­di­tion­al vari­eties of Jut­land Dan­ish, with the results show­ing sys­tem­at­ic region­al vari­a­tion even in minute acoustic details.

Data and code can be found on Data­verseNL: and

Morphosyntactic change in Late Modern Swedish

Ida Lars­son & Erik M. Pet­zell (Hrsg.) &

This vol­ume explores mor­phosyn­tac­tic change in the Late Mod­ern Swedish peri­od from the 18th cen­tu­ry and onwards. This peri­od is inter­est­ing, for a num­ber of rea­sons. This is when Swedish is estab­lished as a nation­al stan­dard lan­guage. New gen­res emerge, and the writ­ten lan­guage becomes more gen­er­al­ly avail­able to all speak­ers. We also some­times find diverg­ing devel­op­ments in the dif­fer­ent North Ger­man­ic lan­guages, and some of the much-dis­cussed dif­fer­ences between Dan­ish, Nor­we­gian and Swedish are estab­lished dur­ing this peri­od. In addi­tion, dur­ing the 19th and 20th cen­turies, the tra­di­tion­al dialects under­go more dra­mat­ic changes than ever. Yet, the Late Mod­ern Swedish peri­od has pre­vi­ous­ly received fair­ly lit­tle atten­tion in the syn­tac­tic lit­er­a­ture. This vol­ume aims to rem­e­dy this, with stud­ies that cov­er sev­er­al dif­fer­ent gram­mat­i­cal domains, includ­ing case and ver­bal syn­tax, word order and agree­ment, and gram­mat­i­cal­iza­tion in the nom­i­nal domain. The study by Cecil­ia Falk inves­ti­gates the pos­si­bil­i­ty of pro­mot­ing an indi­rect object to sub­ject in a pas­sive, that emerges dur­ing the peri­od. A chap­ter by Fredrik Valde­s­on stud­ies change in the use of ditran­si­tive verbs, from a con­struc­tion­al per­spec­tive. Three chap­ters are con­cerned with word order change. The study by Ida Lars­son and Björn Lundquist inves­ti­gates the devel­op­ment of a strict word order in par­ti­cle con­struc­tions. Adri­an Sangfelt stud­ies the pos­si­bil­i­ty of hav­ing adver­bials (and oth­er con­stituents) between the sep­a­rate ver­bal heads in com­plex VPs in the final stages of the shift from OV to VO order. Erik M. Pet­zell inves­ti­gates embed­ded verb place­ment and agree­ment mor­phol­o­gy in the Viskadalian dialect, which on the sur­face seems to con­tra­dict the Rich Agree­ment Hypoth­e­sis. Mikael Kalm dis­cuss­es the emer­gence of dif­fer­ent kinds of adver­bial infini­ti­val claus­es in the stan­dard writ­ten lan­guage com­pared to Övdalian. Final­ly, the study by Lars-Olof Dels­ing is con­cerned with a case of gram­mat­i­cal­iza­tion in the nom­i­nal domain, specif­i­cal­ly the devel­op­ment of the grad­able adjec­tives myck­et ‘much’ and lite ‘lit­tle’ into quan­ti­fiers.

The Poetic Edda: A Dual-Language Edition

Edward Pet­tit

This book is an edi­tion and trans­la­tion of one of the most impor­tant and cel­e­brat­ed sources of Old Norse-Ice­landic mythol­o­gy and hero­ic leg­end, name­ly the medieval poems now known col­lec­tive­ly as the Poet­ic Edda or Elder Edda.

Includ­ed are thir­ty-six texts, which are most­ly pre­served in medieval man­u­scripts, espe­cial­ly the thir­teenth-cen­tu­ry Ice­landic codex tra­di­tion­al­ly known as the Codex Regius of the Poet­ic Edda. The poems cov­er diverse sub­jects, includ­ing the cre­ation, destruc­tion and rebirth of the world, the deal­ings of gods such as Óðinn, Þórr and Loki with giants and each oth­er, and the more inti­mate, per­son­al tragedies of the hero Sig­urðr, his wife Guðrún and the valkyrie Bryn­hil­dr.

Each poem is pro­vid­ed with an intro­duc­tion, syn­op­sis and sug­ges­tions for fur­ther read­ing. The Old Norse texts are fur­nished with a tex­tu­al appa­ra­tus record­ing the man­u­script read­ings behind this edition’s emen­da­tions, as well as select vari­ant read­ings. The accom­pa­ny­ing trans­la­tions, informed by the lat­est schol­ar­ship, are con­cise­ly anno­tat­ed to make them as acces­si­ble as pos­si­ble.

As the first open-access, sin­gle-vol­ume par­al­lel Old Norse edi­tion and Eng­lish trans­la­tion of the Poet­ic Edda, this book will prove a valu­able resource for stu­dents and schol­ars of Old Norse lit­er­a­ture. It will also inter­est those research­ing oth­er fields of medieval lit­er­a­ture (espe­cial­ly Old Eng­lish and Mid­dle High Ger­man), and appeal to a wider gen­er­al audi­ence drawn to the myths and leg­ends of the Viking Age and sub­se­quent cen­turies.

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