

Podcast „99% Invisible“: Stuff the British Stole

Logo Podcast 99% Invisible „Through­out its reign, the British Empire stole a lot of stuff. Today those objects are housed in gen­teel insti­tu­tions across the UK and the world. They usu­al­ly come with polite plaques. This week, 99pi is fea­tur­ing an episode from the pod­cast „Stuff the British Stole“ host­ed by Marc
Every day, hun­dreds of dai­ly vis­i­tors to London’s Vic­to­ria and Albert qui­et­ly stream past a man being bru­tal­ly mur­dered by a tiger. The mechan­i­cal crea­ture was cre­at­ed for one of the most con­tro­ver­sial rulers in his­to­ry — Tipu Sul­tan, the Tiger of Mysore. His wood­en toy is attack­ing a mem­ber of the East India Com­pa­ny, Tipu’s sworn ene­mies. Crank the toy, and the man’s arms flail in agony.
To under­stand how Tipu’s Tiger end­ed up in the Vic­to­ria and Albert Muse­um, you have to tra­verse the tale of two stolen princes, two glob­al super­pow­ers, two very dif­fer­ent rev­o­lu­tions … and at least one blood-cur­dling scream.
Stuff the British Stole“ is a pod­cast from the Aus­tralian Broad­cast­ing Cor­po­ra­tion.“

Sie kön­nen die Sendung, die am 13.7.2021 veröf­fentlicht wurde, über die Seite des Pod­casts nach­hören oder als Audio­datei herun­ter­laden.

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