Das frei zugängliche Portal der „Digital Encyclopedia of British Sociability in the Long Eighteenth Century“ bietet zahlreiche Recherchemöglichkeiten:
- Explore the wide range of topics related to British Sociability from 1650 to 1850 and learn about the circulation of models of sociability that shaped European and colonial societies.
- Discover the collaborative work between academic researchers, archivists and curators on primary source material in their respective fields of expertise
- Browse through 200 entries enriched with illustrations, hyperlinks, footnotes and further reading suggestions
- Search by keywords, by alphabetical order or by categories (People, Places, Practices, Concepts, Objects) and sub-categories
- Navigate easily through a dynamic and updatable resource
- Share content with online media and social networks
- Use this free-access platform as a teaching and research tool for school and university courses
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