

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Digital Humanities 2023.7

Research meth­ods for dig­i­tal dis­course analy­sis
BuchcoverIntro­duc­ing the key ques­tions and chal­lenges faced by the researcher of dig­i­tal dis­course, this book pro­vides an overview of the dif­fer­ent method­olog­i­cal dimen­sions asso­ci­at­ed with this type of research. Bring­ing togeth­er a team of experts, chap­ters guide stu­dents and novice researchers through how to con­duct rig­or­ous, accu­rate, and eth­i­cal research with data from a wide range of online plat­forms, includ­ing Face­book, Insta­gram, Twit­ter, YouTube, and online dat­ing apps.
Research Meth­ods for Dig­i­tal Dis­course Analy­sis focus­es on the key issues that any dig­i­tal dis­course ana­lyst must con­sid­er, before tack­ling more spe­cif­ic top­ics and approach­es, includ­ing how to work with mul­ti­lin­gual or mul­ti­modal data. Empha­siz­ing con­crete, prac­ti­cal advice and illus­trat­ed with plen­ti­ful exam­ples from research stud­ies, each chap­ter intro­duces a new research dimen­sion for con­sid­er­a­tion, briefly explor­ing how oth­er dis­course ana­lysts have approached the top­ic before using an in-depth case study to high­light the main chal­lenges and pro­vide guid­ance on method­olog­i­cal deci­sion-mak­ing. Sup­port­ed by a range of ped­a­gog­i­cal tools, includ­ing dis­cus­sion ques­tions and anno­tat­ed fur­ther-read­ing lists, this book is an essen­tial resource for stu­dents and any researcher new to ana­lyz­ing dig­i­tal dis­course.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log­Plus
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

Using AI for dia­logu­ing with texts: from psy­chol­o­gy to cin­e­ma and lit­er­a­ture
BuchcoverThis con­cise vol­ume offers an acces­si­ble intro­duc­tion to state-of-the-art arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence (AI) lan­guage mod­els, pro­vid­ing a plat­form for their use in tex­tu­al inter­pre­ta­tion across the human­i­ties and social sci­ences.
The book out­lines the affor­dances of new tech­nolo­gies for tex­tu­al analy­sis, which has his­tor­i­cal­ly employed estab­lished approach­es with­in the human­i­ties. Neu­man, Dane­si, and Vilenchik argue that these dif­fer­ent forms of analy­sis are indeed com­ple­men­tary, demon­strat­ing the ways in which AI-based per­spec­tives echo sim­i­lar the­o­ret­i­cal and method­olog­i­cal cur­rents in tra­di­tion­al approach­es while also offer­ing new direc­tions for research. The vol­ume show­cas­es exam­ples from a wide range of texts, includ­ing nov­els, tele­vi­sion shows, and films to illus­trate the ways in which the lat­est AI tech­nolo­gies can be used for „dia­logu­ing“ with tex­tu­al char­ac­ters and exam­in­ing tex­tu­al mean­ing coher­ence.
Illu­mi­nat­ing the poten­tial of AI lan­guage mod­els to both enhance and extend research on the inter­pre­ta­tion of texts, this book will appeal to schol­ars inter­est­ed in cog­ni­tive approach­es to the human­i­ties in such fields as lit­er­ary stud­ies, dis­course analy­sis, media stud­ies, film stud­ies, psy­chol­o­gy, and arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence.
zum Buch im ULB-Kat­a­log­Plus
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

Weit­ere Titel zu den Dig­i­tal Human­i­ties find­en Sie z.B. über eine Suche im Kat­a­log­Plus.

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