

Kennen Sie schon … British Pathé?

Before tele­vi­sion, peo­ple came to movie the­atres to watch the news.

Das Por­tal „British Pathé“ sam­melt solche Nachricht­ensendun­gen:

British Pathé is con­sid­ered to be the finest news­reel archive in the world. Span­ning the years from 1896–1978, its col­lec­tions include footage from around the globe of major events, famous faces, fash­ion trends, trav­el, sci­ence, and cul­ture. It is an invalu­able resource for broad­cast­ers, doc­u­men­tary pro­duc­ers, muse­um cura­tors, and researchers world­wide.

The entire archive of 85,000 films is avail­able to view for free on the British Pathé web­site while licences can be acquired for oth­er uses.

British Pathé also rep­re­sents con­tent from part­ner organ­i­sa­tions, such as Reuters‘ his­tor­i­cal col­lec­tion, which includes more than 130,000 items dat­ing from 1910 to the end of 1984.

Die Auf­nah­men sind grup­piert in die The­men­bere­iche „Indus­try“, „Sport“, „Arts and Cul­tures“, „Coun­tries, regions and cities“, „Roy­al Col­lec­tions“, „Pol­i­tics & polit­i­cal fig­ures“ und „War col­lec­tion“.

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