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Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Literaturen allgemein 2023.11

Lan­guage and Medi­at­ed Mas­culin­i­ties: Cul­tures, Con­texts, Con­straints
From tele­vi­sion shows to the manos­phere and from alt-right com­mu­ni­ties to father­hood forums debates about mas­culin­i­ty have come to dom­i­nate the media land­scape. What does it mean to be a man in con­tem­po­rary soci­ety? How is mas­culin­i­ty con­sti­tut­ed in dif­fer­ent media spaces? This grow­ing cul­tur­al ten­sion around mas­culin­i­ties has been dis­cussed and ana­lyzed both for gen­er­al audi­ences and in bur­geon­ing aca­d­e­m­ic schol­ar­ship. What has been typ­i­cal­ly over­looked, how­ev­er, is the role that lan­guage plays in reify­ing these medi­at­ed per­for­mances of mas­culin­i­ty. Draw­ing on data from news­pa­pers, social media sites, tele­vi­sion pro­grams, and online forums, this book explores lan­guage and mas­culin­i­ties across a range of media con­texts, offer­ing a crit­i­cal eval­u­a­tion of the inter­sec­tion between lan­guage, mas­culin­i­ties, and iden­ti­ties in con­tem­po­rary soci­ety. Against a cul­tur­al back­drop of ris­ing neolib­er­al­ism, eth­nic nation­al­ism, online rad­i­cal­iza­tion, net­worked misog­y­ny, and frac­tious gen­der rela­tions, this book fur­thers our under­stand­ing of how lan­guage is impli­cat­ed in (re)creating gen­der ide­olo­gies, how lan­guage shapes con­tem­po­rary gen­der rela­tions, and the dif­fer­ent ways men use lan­guage to mon­i­tor, eval­u­ate, and police gen­der iden­ti­ties in online and offline spaces.
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Chang­ing satire: trans­for­ma­tions and con­ti­nu­ities in Europe, 1600–1830
BuchcoverThis edit­ed col­lec­tion brings togeth­er lit­er­ary schol­ars and art his­to­ri­ans, and maps how satire became a less genre-dri­ven and increas­ing­ly visu­al medi­um in the sev­en­teenth through the ear­ly nine­teenth cen­tu­ry. Chang­ing satire demon­strates how satire pro­lif­er­at­ed in var­i­ous for­mats, and dis­cuss­es a wide range of mate­r­i­al from canon­i­cal authors like Swift to lit­tle known man­u­script sources and prints. As the book empha­sis­es, satire was a frame of ref­er­ence for well-known authors and artists rang­ing from Mil­ton to Berni­ni and Goya. It was more­over a broad Euro­pean phe­nom­e­non: while the book focus­es on Eng­lish satire, it also con­sid­ers France, Italy, The Nether­lands and Spain, and dis­cuss­es how satir­i­cal texts and art­work could move between coun­tries and lan­guages. In its wide sweep across time and for­mats, Chang­ing satire brings out the impor­tance that satire had as a trans­gres­sor of bor­ders.
zum Buch im Kat­a­log­Plus
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