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Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Nordische Philologie 2023.12

Nordeu­ropa: Hand­buch für Wis­senschaft und Studi­um
BuchcoverDie Poli­tik, die Kul­tur, die Men­schen Nordeu­ropas bee­in­flussen seit Jahrtausenden die gesam­teu­ropäis­che Begeg­nungs­geschichte maßgebend, was sich in der wis­senschaftlichen Beach­tung nur unzure­ichend spiegelt. Das inter­diszi­plinäre Hand­buch macht auf Defizite aufmerk­sam und bildet erst­mals umfassend den Wis­sens­stand zu Geschichte, Gesellschaft, Poli­tik, Wirtschaft und Kul­tur des europäis­chen Nor­dens ab – von der geol­o­gis­chen Entste­hung bis zu jüng­sten poli­tis­chen Entwick­lun­gen. Aus ihren Fach­schw­er­punk­ten tra­gen 84 Nordeu­ropa-Exper­tin­nen und ‑Experten aus 13 Län­dern mit Aufk­lärung und Analyse zu einem dif­feren­zierten Nor­den-Bild bei. Das Grund­la­gen­werk richtet sich an Studierende, Forschende, Medi­en und Nordeu­ropa-Inter­essierte.
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Recon­struct­ing Shake­speare in the Nordic coun­tries : nation­al revival and inter­war pol­i­tics, 1870–1940 
BuchcoverExam­in­ing the chang­ing recep­tion of Shake­speare in the Nordic coun­tries between 1870 and 1940, this fol­low-up vol­ume to Dis­sem­i­nat­ing Shake­speare in the Nordic Coun­tries focus­es on the broad move­ments of nation­al revival­ism that took place around the turn of the cen­tu­ry as Fin­land and Nor­way, and lat­er Ice­land, were gain­ing their inde­pen­dence. The first part of the book demon­strates how trans­la­tions and pro­duc­tions of Shake­speare were key in such move­ments, as Shake­speare was appro­pri­at­ed for nation­al and polit­i­cal pur­pos­es. The sec­ond part explores how the role of Shake­speare in the Nordic coun­tries was part­ly trans­formed in the 1920s and 1930s as a new social sys­tem emerged, and then as the rise of fas­cism meant that Euro­pean pol­i­tics cast a long shad­ow on the Nordic coun­tries and sub­stan­tial­ly affect­ed the recep­tion of Shake­speare.
Con­trib­u­tors trace the impact of ear­ly trans­la­tions of Shakespeare’s works into Ice­landic, the role of women in the ear­ly trans­mis­sion of Shake­speare in Fin­land and the first Shake­speare pro­duc­tion at the Finnish The­atre, and the pro­duc­tions of Shakespeare’s plays at the Nor­we­gian Nation­al The­atre between 1899 and the out­break of the Great War. In Part Two, they exam­ine the polit­i­cal over­tones of the 1916 Shake­speare cel­e­bra­tions in Hamlet’s ‘home­town’ of Elsi­nore, Hen­rik Rytter’s trans­la­tions of 23 Shake­speare plays into Nor­we­gian to assess their role in his poet­ics and in Scan­di­na­vian lit­er­a­ture, the impor­tance of the 1937 pro­duc­tion of Ham­let in Kro­n­borg Cas­tle star­ring Lau­rence Olivi­er, and the role of Shake­speare in gen­er­al and Ham­let in par­tic­u­lar in Swedish Nobel lau­re­ate Eyvind Johnson’s ear­ly work where it became a sym­bol of post-war pas­siv­i­ty and root­less­ness.
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