

BBC The Documentary Podcast: „Assignment: The Life, Death and Rebirth of a Russian Theatre“

Logo BBC bei Wikimedia Commons„Tatiana Frol­o­va wasn’t born to be a the­atre direc­tor. She grew up in the 1960s and ‘70s in a cut-off part of a closed coun­try, the Sovi­et Far East. She was a shy, ner­vous girl brought up by a silent moth­er in Kom­so­mol­sk-on-Amur, the bleak “City of the Dawn” built on Stalin’s orders in the ear­ly 1930s and cel­e­brat­ed offi­cial­ly as a Com­mu­nist “hero-project.” But in 1985, aged 24, as the first glim­mer­ings of glas­nost appeared, Tatyana found­ed the Sovi­et Union’s first inde­pen­dent the­atre since 1927 – known as KnAM – in Kom­so­mol­sk. It was tiny – with only 26 seats. But it tried to push back the bound­aries of what could be dis­cussed, build­ing new plays around the mem­o­ries and expe­ri­ences of local peo­ple. They dealt with fear and vio­lence trans­mit­ted from gen­er­a­tion to gen­er­a­tion. The the­atre sur­vived for 37 years despite the nar­row­ing of pos­si­bil­i­ties for free speech under Vladimir Putin. But when the full-scale inva­sion of Ukraine began last year, Tatiana realised she and her actors had to leave. Now, they’re tour­ing Europe with a new play, „We are no longer.“ It’s about who they were, and what they’ve lost. But what’s the future for Tatiana and her troupe — just a hand­ful of the hun­dreds of thou­sands of Rus­sians now in exile? And what image of Rus­sia are they pre­sent­ing to West­ern audi­ences?
For Assign­ment, Tim Whewell goes to meet them.“

Sie kön­nen die Sendung, die am 26.10.2023 in der Rei­he „Assign­ment“ lief, über die Seite der BBC nach­hören oder als Audio­datei herun­ter­laden.

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