The political novel in the South Slavic intercultural context
The Political Novel in the South Slavic Intercultural Context investigates the problem of the genre of the most elusive literary genre: the political novel, and the presence of “political” in novels of South Slavic literature, primarily in the intercultural South Slavic social context, as well as in the context of contemporary history of Southeast and Central Europe. This genre in the South Slavic inter-literary context has not yet been scientifically and systematically studied and presented, although there are critical and scientific reviews that indicate its presence in literary production. The best novels from the canonical South Slavic authors Miroslav Krleža, Mihailo Lalic, Oskar Davico, Miodrag Bulatovic, Ivo Andric, Meša Selimovic, Borislav Pekic, Mirko Kovac, Danilo Kiš, and others included in this book thematize the political concepts of the twentieth century, so in the broadest sense they can be considered within the genre of political novel, including its subgenre variants. The political novel in South Slavic literatures (in the intercultural context) in general is a specific genre of the novel in relation to the political novel written in the West, an inter-literary phenomenon that was a critique of the Titoist regime and a literary response to the poetics and politics of social realism. It is conditioned by specific historical-political and social movements during the twentieth century. The narrative of the political novel is a poetic resistance to ideological consciousness and a dogmatic view of reality.
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Die Ukraine als Objekt russischer Großmachtansprüche: Sprachen, Identitäten und Diskurse
Dieser Band vereint Beiträge zu Hintergründen des russischen Angriffs auf die Ukraine aus (sozio-)linguistischer, sprach- und literaturhistorischer sowie politologischer Sicht. Der Akzent liegt dabei nicht auf dem tagespolitischen Geschehen, sondern auf Fakten und Zusammenhängen, welchen bislang wenig Gehör geschenkt wurde. So werden Wissenslücken, Fehldeutungen und Verzerrungen, die nicht zuletzt in westlichen Gesellschaften tief verankert sind, offenkundig.
Ausgewiesene Expertinnen und Experten vereinen hier gebündeltes Hintergrundwissen zu historischen und aktuellen Zusammenhängen des russisch-ukrainischen Konfliktes. Sie helfen damit, Informationsdefizite abzubauen und falsche Vorstellungen über den ostslavischen Sprach- und Kulturraum zu korrigieren.
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