

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Sprachen und Kulturen Asiens, Afrikas und Ozeaniens 2024.2

Gloss­ing Prac­tice: Com­par­a­tive Per­spec­tives
BuchcoverThis vol­ume is the first book to focus specif­i­cal­ly on the top­ic of com­par­a­tive gloss­ing. It brings togeth­er new research on gloss­ing prac­tices from tra­di­tions in both the West and East Asia, with a focus on Japan. It also touch­es on the rela­tion between gloss­ing in the medieval man­u­script tra­di­tion and the mod­ern lin­guis­tic use of the gloss. Its pur­pose is to present a sam­ple of the most recent stud­ies on gloss­ing as it is prac­ticed across very dif­fer­ent parts of the world, high­light­ing the many shared fea­tures found across space and time.
Gloss­es take many forms and serve numer­ous func­tions accord­ing to when and where they are pro­duced. They con­sti­tute a cross-cul­tur­al phe­nom­e­non anchored in lan­guage, and are the man­i­fes­ta­tion of hermeneu­tic process­es involved in the trans­fer of knowl­edge from one lin­guis­tic area to anoth­er. Gloss­es are an inte­gral part of all the stages of this trans­fer, which is char­ac­ter­ized by the neces­si­ty to decode and explain the mes­sage, encom­pass­ing basic gram­mat­i­cal com­men­tary and wider exeget­i­cal dis­cus­sions.
zum Buch im Kat­a­log­Plus
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

Lit­er­a­ture and pow­er: a crit­i­cal inves­ti­ga­tion of lit­er­ary legit­i­ma­cy
BuchcoverWith ref­er­ence to the the­o­ret­i­cal frame­work of Michel Fou­cault and Pierre Bour­dieu, this book offers a crit­i­cal inves­ti­ga­tion into such epic issues as the end of art and the inher­ent laws of literature’s evo­lu­tion, while con­flat­ing the two into one major argu­men­ta­tion.
The book pro­ceeds from Hegel’s claim of “the end of art” to tack­le the uni­ver­sal yet essen­tial prob­lem of lit­er­a­ture: its legit­i­ma­cy in a soci­o­log­i­cal sense. It invests Bourdieu’s soci­o­log­i­cal terms – pow­er, cap­i­tal, habi­tus, field, and so forth-into the study of lit­er­a­ture and art while tak­ing on oth­er the­o­ret­i­cal enquiries, par­tic­u­lar­ly the Marx­ist explo­ration into ide­ol­o­gy, as well as aspects of eco­nom­ics and com­mu­ni­ca­tion stud­ies.
This book will be a valu­able resource for stu­dents and schol­ars of the soci­ol­o­gy of lit­er­a­ture, cul­tur­al stud­ies, and those with spe­cif­ic inter­ests in Chi­nese lit­er­a­ture, lit­er­ary and art the­o­ry.
zum Buch im Kat­a­log­Plus
zum Buch auf der Ver­lags-Web­site

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