

Kennen Sie schon … die Open Library of Humanities?

Die Open Library of Human­i­ties, kurz OLH, ist ein Ver­lag für geistes- und sozial­wis­senschaftliche Pub­lika­tio­nen:

The Open Library of Human­i­ties (OLH) is an award-win­ning pub­lish­er of human­i­ties schol­ar­ship based at Birk­beck, Uni­ver­si­ty of Lon­don. We play a lead­ing role with­in a grow­ing ecosys­tem of schol­ar-led dig­i­tal pub­lish­ing, that com­bines cut­ting-edge tech­nol­o­gy with com­mu­ni­ty gov­er­nance and not-for-prof­it prin­ci­ples. This has become known as dia­mond open access.

We pub­lish 30 open-access jour­nals and are fund­ed by more than 340 libraries world­wide, who have joined us in our mis­sion to make schol­ar­ly pub­lish­ing fair­er, more acces­si­ble, and rig­or­ous­ly pre­served for the dig­i­tal future.

The peer-reviewed schol­ar­ship we pub­lish show­cas­es some of the most dynam­ic research in human­i­ties dis­ci­plines. Our jour­nals cov­er top­ics includ­ing clas­sics, mod­ern lan­guages, phi­los­o­phy, the­ol­o­gy, his­to­ry, polit­i­cal the­o­ry, soci­ol­o­gy, anthro­pol­o­gy, film and new media stud­ies, and dig­i­tal human­i­ties. We pride our­selves on being at the cut­ting edge of online jour­nal pub­lish­ing – with high-qual­i­ty pre­sen­ta­tion, robust dig­i­tal preser­va­tion, strong dis­cov­er­abil­i­ty, and easy-to-share social media but­tons.

Zu den Ein­rich­tun­gen, die sich an der Finanzierung der OLH beteili­gen, gehört auch die ULB Mün­ster, bere­its seit 2017.

Vielle­icht ist bei den 30 Zeitschriften auf der OLH-Plat­tform ja the­ma­tisch auch etwas für Ihre Forschungsin­ter­essen dabei?

Open-Access-Fans kön­nten bei den OLH-Postern etwas zur Deko­ra­tion des Büros find­en. 🙂

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