

Kennen Sie schon … das Oxford dictionary of idioms?

Dieses Wörter­buch zur englis­chen Phrase­olo­gie ist zwar bere­its einige Jahre alt, aber für die Erweiterung Ihrer Englisch-Ken­nt­nisse kön­nen die über 6.000 Ein­träge nach wie vor gute Dien­ste leis­ten! 🙂

Did you know that ‘flavour of the month’ orig­i­nat­ed in a mar­ket­ing cam­paign in Amer­i­can ice-cream par­lours in the 1940s, when a par­tic­u­lar flavour would be spe­cial­ly pro­mot­ed for a month at a time? And did you know that ‘off the cuff’ refers to the rather messy prac­tice of writ­ing impromp­tu notes on one’s shirt cuff before speak­ing in pub­lic? These and many more idioms are explained and put into con­text in this third edi­tion of the Oxford Dic­tio­nary of Idioms.

The vol­ume takes a fresh look at the idiomat­ic phras­es and say­ings that make Eng­lish the rich and intrigu­ing lan­guage that it is. This major new edi­tion con­tains entries for over 6,000 idioms, includ­ing 700 entire­ly new entries, based on Oxford’s lan­guage mon­i­tor­ing and the ongo­ing third edi­tion of the Oxford Eng­lish Dic­tio­nary. These include a range of recent­ly estab­lished idioms such as ‘the ele­phant in the cor­ner’, ‘go fig­ure’, ‘like a rat up a drain­pipe’, ‘sex on legs’, ‘step up to the plate’, ‘too posh to push’, ‘a walk in the park’, ‘win ugly’. This edi­tion also fea­tures a great­ly increased num­ber of cross-ref­er­ences, mak­ing it ide­al for quick ref­er­ence.

Many entries include addi­tion­al fea­tures which give more detailed back­ground on the idiom in ques­tion. For exam­ple, did you know that ‘tak­en aback’ was adopt­ed from nau­ti­cal ter­mi­nol­o­gy that described a ship unable to move for­ward because of a strong head­wind press­ing its sails back against the mast?

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