

Kennen Sie schon … The Valley of the Shadow?

Screenshot aus der Startseite von "The Valley of the Shadow" ( (Stand 16.5.2024)

Here, you may explore the lives of peo­ple swept up in the great Amer­i­can dra­mas of slav­ery, war, and eman­ci­pa­tion. The two com­mu­ni­ties, one in the North and one in the South, expe­ri­enced every nation­al chal­lenge from seces­sion through Recon­struc­tion.

Unter diesem Mot­to bietet das Por­tal „The Val­ley of the Shad­ow“ die Geschichte zweier US-amerikanis­ch­er Coun­ties nördlich und südlich der Mason-Dixon-Lin­ie einen mikro­his­torischen Ein­blick in die Lebenswel­ten vor, während und nach dem Amerikanis­chen Bürg­erkrieg (1859–1870). Als dig­i­tale Samm­lung wer­den Briefe, Tage­büch­er, Reden, Zeitungsar­tikel, Steuerlis­ten, Kirchen­büch­er, Zen­sus­dat­en, Fotos, Karten und weit­ere Quellen zur Ver­fü­gung gestellt.

The Val­ley of the Shad­ow enables vis­i­tors to explore a crit­i­cal part of the Amer­i­can past for them­selves. The Val­ley project presents the com­plex his­tor­i­cal record of the peo­ple of a north­ern com­mu­ni­ty and a south­ern com­mu­ni­ty, one in Penn­syl­va­nia and anoth­er in Vir­ginia, both in the Great Val­ley that stretch­es across the Mason Dixon line, through­out the era of the Amer­i­can Civ­il War.

Franklin Coun­ty and Augus­ta Coun­ty, about 200 miles apart, shared a great deal but dif­fered in two pro­found ways: the Vir­ginia coun­ty was built around slav­ery and fol­lowed its state into seces­sion, war, eman­ci­pa­tion, and Recon­struc­tion. The Penn­syl­va­nia coun­ty, bor­der­ing slav­ery and with a sub­stan­tial free Black pop­u­la­tion, fol­lowed the path of the Unit­ed States through the war and its con­se­quences.

Seite aus dem Tage­bucn von Anna Mellinger (1864)

Vis­i­tors to the Val­ley can expe­ri­ence the hard choic­es that con­front­ed all the peo­ple of these two coun­ties. Through thou­sands of pages of news­pa­pers, diaries, and let­ters, through cen­sus and mil­i­tary records, through pho­tographs and maps, vis­i­tors can fol­low the dra­ma as it unfold­ed day by day. The Val­ley traces his­to­ry at the ground lev­el, embrac­ing the expe­ri­ences of sol­diers and civil­ians, men and women, Black peo­ple and white.

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