

„Brygada 1918“: Digitale „Wiederauferstehung“ einer polnischen Schrift

Beispiel der Schrift Brygada 1918,
Beispiel der Schrift Brygada 1918,
Beispiel der Schrift Brygada 1918,

Bry­ga­da 1918 is a dig­i­tal revival project of Bry­ga­da type­face done thanks to the sup­port of the “Inde­pen­dent” pro­gram and the Pres­i­dent of the Repub­lic of Poland. The source of inspi­ra­tion lies in cast­ing matri­ces found by Janusz Paweł Tryzno In the Book Art Muse­um in Lodz.
Extend­ed Bty­ga­da 1918 fam­i­ly includ­ing 6 ver­sions is avail­able for down­load under Open Font License. We hope that through its use the Bry­ga­da 1918 project will ben­e­fit the build­ing com­mon con­science of type design – a domain of sig­nif­i­cant, cul­ture build­ing char­ac­ter.
Accord­ing to the his­tor­i­cal research the type­face was most prob­a­bly cre­at­ed dur­ing the inter­war peri­od, in the Type Foundry Idźkows­ki and Co. in War­saw. The main idea of this under­tak­ing was to hon­or the typo­graph­ic her­itage in a vivid man­ner. Orig­i­nal matri­ces were avail­able in reg­u­lar, ital­ic, and bold ver­sions. To allow the prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tion of the font in a larg­er ver­sa­til­i­ty of projects the col­lec­tion gained semi­bold, semi­bold ital­ic and bold ital­ic vari­ants. Apart from redraw­ing, the shapes were adjust­ed and cor­rect­ed, and the avail­able glyph cov­er­age was great­ly expand­ed. Regard­ing the char­ac­ter set, Bry­ga­da 1918 type fam­i­ly con­tains extend­ed Latin, extend­ed Cyril­lic, basic Greek, Inter­na­tion­al Pho­net­ic Alpha­bet, 4 figuer ver­sions (old­style, lin­ing, tab­u­lar old­style, tab­u­lar lin­ing), small caps, sub- and super­script, cur­ren­cy sym­bols, math­e­mat­i­cal signs, and a wide set of orna­ments, in all 6 ver­sions.“

Es gibt eine Broschüre (PDF-Datei) über das Pro­jekt; Fotos und Infos zum Pro­jekt find­en Sie z.B. auch in den Blogs von „Design­er in Action“ und „Slant­ed“.

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