

New Books Network Podcast: „Hyphen“

Im New Books Net­work Pod­cast in der Rei­he „New Books in Lan­guage & Lin­guis­tics“ sprach Par­dis Mah­davi am 20.12.2023 über ihre Forschung zum Binde­strich:

To hyphen­ate or not to hyphen­ate has been a cen­tral point of con­tro­ver­sy since before the imprint­ing of the first Guten­berg Bible. And yet, the hyphen has per­sist­ed, bring­ing and bridg­ing new words and con­cepts.

Hyphen (Blooms­bury, 2021) by Dr. Par­dis Mah­davi is part of the Object Lessons series and fol­lows the sto­ry of the hyphen from antiq­ui­ty – „Hyphen” is derived from an ancient Greek word mean­ing “to tie togeth­er” – to the present, but also uncov­ers the pol­i­tics of the hyphen and the role it plays in cre­at­ing iden­ti­ties. The jour­ney of this hum­ble piece of con­nec­tive punc­tu­a­tion reveals the qui­et pow­er of an ortho­graph­ic con­cept to speak to the tra­vails of hyphen­at­ed indi­vid­u­als all over the world. 
Hyphen is ulti­mate­ly a com­pelling sto­ry about the pow­er­ful ways that lan­guage and iden­ti­ty inter­twine.

Mah­davi-her­self a hyphen­at­ed Iran­ian-Amer­i­can-weaves in her own expe­ri­ences strug­gling to find a sense of self amidst feel­ings of betwixt and between. Through sto­ries of the author and three oth­er indi­vid­u­als, Hyphen col­lec­tive­ly con­sid­ers how to nav­i­gate, artic­u­late, and empow­er new iden­ti­ties.

This inter­view was con­duct­ed by Dr. Miran­da Melch­er whose forth­com­ing book focus­es on post-con­flict mil­i­tary inte­gra­tion, under­stand­ing treaty nego­ti­a­tion and imple­men­ta­tion in civ­il war con­texts, with qual­i­ta­tive analy­sis of the Angolan and Mozam­bi­can civ­il wars.

Das Buch „Hyphen“ ist als eBook bei uns ver­füg­bar.

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