

New Books Network „All We Mean“ Podcast: „This is What Language Means“

Im Pod­cast „All We Mean“, ein­er mit dem New Books Net­work assozi­ierten Pod­cast-Rei­he unter dem Mot­to „an ongo­ing dis­cus­sion and debate about how we mean and why“, sprach Daniel Shea im Feb­ru­ar 2024 mit Bill Cope und Mary Kalantzis von der Uni­ver­si­ty of Illi­nois:

In this episode […], our top­ic is This is what lan­guage means.

It is text, and it is speech — but is not the two whol­ly as one. It is speech, and then it is text, or it is the oth­er way around — but the two can­not be one, because between them opens a gulf of dif­fer­ence: Text is the one extreme — the oth­er end of which is Speech.

And nei­ther makes — nor the two togeth­er can make what the dig­i­tal is for us today. We read images as much as we do print. Music and sounds are loud­er than speech in many regions of the online. Video brings move­ment to life, while the mov­ing body or the object in motion makes space vis­i­ble. All this is called vir­tu­al real­i­ty for good rea­son. We call it all the cyber-social.

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