„Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss one of the greatest European playwrights of the twentieth century. The aim of Bertolt Brecht (1898–1956) was to make the familiar ‘strange’: with plays such as Mother Courage and The Caucasian Chalk Circle he wanted his audience not to sit back but to engage, observe and discover the contradictions in life, and act on what they learnt. He developed this approach in turbulent times, from Weimar Germany to the rise of the Nazis, to exile in Scandinavia and America and then post-war life in East Berlin, and he has since inspired dramatists around the world.
With Laura Bradley (Professor of German and Theatre at the University of Edinburgh), David Barnett (Professor of Theatre at the University of York), and Tom Kuhn (Professor of Twentieth Century German Literature, Emeritus Fellow of St Hugh’s College, University of Oxford).“ (BBC)
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