

Aus unseren Neuerwerbungen – Anglistik 2024.9

Modal verbs and modal­i­ty in lit­er­ary and non-lit­er­ary texts
BuchcoverThis col­lec­tion presents a range of research on modal­i­ty in the Eng­lish lan­guage. It includes com­pre­hen­sive analy­ses of Eng­lish modal verbs in dif­fer­ent types of gen­res, includ­ing Ear­ly Mod­ern Eng­lish plays and children’s lit­er­a­ture, as well as speech­es, aca­d­e­m­ic and func­tion­al texts. The vol­ume fills a niche in the study of modal­i­ty in Eng­lish non-lit­er­ary writ­ten texts, and con­tributes to the cur­rent knowl­edge on modal­i­ty and the sys­tem of modal verbs in the Eng­lish lan­guage.
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The secret life of things: ani­mals, objects, and it-nar­ra­tives in eigh­teenth-cen­tu­ry Eng­land
BuchcoverEnrich­ing and com­pli­cat­ing the his­to­ry of fic­tion between Richard­son and Field­ing at mid-cen­tu­ry and Austen at the turn of the cen­tu­ry, this col­lec­tion focus­es on it-nar­ra­tives, a once pop­u­lar form large­ly for­got­ten by read­ers and crit­ics alike, and advances impor­tant work on con­sumer cul­ture and the the­o­ry of things. The con­trib­u­tors bring new texts—and new ways of think­ing about famil­iar ones—to our notice. Top­ics range from peri­od debates about copy­right to the com­plex rela­tion­ships with object-rid­dled sen­ti­men­tal fic­tions, from anti-Semi­tism in Chrysal to jin­go­is­tic impe­ri­al­ism in The Adven­tures of a Rupee. Essays sit­u­ate it-nar­ra­tives in a vari­ety of con­texts: chang­ing atti­tudes toward occult pow­ers, the devel­op­ment of still-life paint­ing, the eth­i­cal chal­lenges of pet own­er­ship, the cult of Sterne and the appear­ance of genre fic­tion, the emer­gence of moral-didac­tic children’s lit­er­a­ture, and a bet­ter-known tra­di­tion of Vic­to­ri­an thing-nar­ra­tives. Styl­is­ti­cal­ly and the­mat­i­cal­ly con­sis­tent, the essays in this col­lec­tion approach it-nar­ra­tives from var­i­ous the­o­ret­i­cal and his­tor­i­cal van­tage points, sketch­ing the cul­tur­al biog­ra­phy of a neglect­ed lit­er­ary form.
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