

Kennen Sie schon … den Oxford Guide to Literary Britain & Ireland?

Dieses Hand­buch ist zwar bere­its 2009 veröf­fentlicht wor­den, aber die in diesem „lit­er­arischen Reise­führer“ ver­sam­melten Infor­ma­tio­nen kön­nen natür­lich nach wie vor für die lit­er­atur­wis­senschaftliche Forschung inter­es­sant sein:

First pub­lished in 1977, this clas­sic ref­er­ence work is a gazetteer of almost 2,000 places – vil­lages, towns, cities, and land­scapes – in Britain and Ire­land detail­ing their con­nec­tions with the lives of famous writ­ers. It invites the read­er to explore the places where their favourite writ­ers – from Jane Austen to Philip Pull­man – were born, lived, were edu­cat­ed, worked, and drew inspi­ra­tion. The entries ele­gant­ly inter­weave infor­ma­tion with anec­dote and quo­ta­tion, to build a vivid pic­ture of the day-to-day lives of the writ­ers. The Guide is the ide­al resource and com­pan­ion for any lit­er­ary pil­grim­age in Britain or Ire­land, and for the arm­chair lit­er­ary trav­eller.

New to this edi­tion are spe­cial fea­ture entries on writ­ers par­tic­u­lar­ly asso­ci­at­ed with places, includ­ing the Brontes, Wal­ter Scott, and James Joyce, con­tributed by high-pro­file authors includ­ing Mar­garet Drab­ble and John Suther­land. The Guide also pro­vides an index of author names, with mini biogra­phies, enabling the read­er to track down all the places asso­ci­at­ed with their favourite writ­ers.

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