Die Bibliothek der University of Florida bietet über sogenannte LibGuides zahlreiche Informationen zu Ressourcen und Recherchetipps für verschiedene Fächer.
Für Romanist:innen könnte v.a. der Guide „French and Francophone Digital Humanities Projects“ interessant sein:
The goal of this LibGuide is to list Digital Humanities projects in French and Francophone Studies that are currently underway in the world. This is a great way to discover what others are doing, what kind of projects are of interest, and also, to make new connections and foster new collaborations and partnerships.
The different tabs show from where the projects originated, except for the Caribbean tab which highlights both projects designed by people in the Caribbean as well as projects about the Caribbean that originated from a different place.
Wer weitere Projekte kennt, die noch nicht aufgeführt sind, kann sie dem Bibliotheksteam zur Ergänzung melden.