

Kennen Sie schon … die „Chinese Rare Book Digital Collection“ der Library of Congress?

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The Chi­nese Rare Book Dig­i­tal Col­lec­tion draws from the 5,300 titles of Chi­nese rare books housed at the Asian Divi­sion of the Library of Con­gress. The ini­tial online pre­sen­ta­tion includes about 1,000 dig­i­tized rare titles, and more will be acces­si­ble in fol­low­ing phas­es. Once com­plete, the dig­i­tal col­lec­tion will com­prise near­ly 2,000 titles.
Accord­ing to the Inter­na­tion­al Union Cat­a­log of Chi­nese Rare Book Project Cat­a­loging Guide­lines pub­lished by the Coun­cil on East Asia Libraries (CEAL) in 2000, rare books are defined as Chi­nese-lan­guage print­ed books and bound man­u­scripts pro­duced before 1796.
The Chi­nese Rare Book Dig­i­tal Col­lec­tion includes the most valu­able titles and edi­tions housed in the Library’s Asian Divi­sion, some of which date back to the 11th or 12th cen­tu­ry and are the only extant copies in the world. This new dig­i­tal col­lec­tion brings togeth­er print­ed books, man­u­scripts, Bud­dhist sutras, works with hand-paint­ed pic­tures, local gazetteers, and ancient maps. These mate­ri­als encom­pass a wide array of dis­ci­plines and sub­jects in clas­sics, his­to­ry, geog­ra­phy, phi­los­o­phy, and lit­er­a­ture. The major­i­ty are edi­tions from the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) and ear­ly Qing dynasty (1644–1795), while near­ly 30 titles are Song dynasty (960‑1279) and Yuan dynasty (1279–1368) edi­tions.

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